View Full Version : Bloody Panic Attacks - Destoy My Confidence

14-10-16, 05:52
Have started new medication and all was going better. Anxiety was down and was starting to get a bit of normalcy back in my day to day functioning. Then today while talking to a co worker, boom, out of nowhere, face goes red, hot, heart racing, felt the need to escape, didn't hear a word of what was coming out of his mouth and he was oblivious to what I was experiencing. I feel I just start to make some progress and boom, confidence is gone again. Bloody anxiety and panic attacks I HATE YOU! I generally don't hate anything, but will make an exception in this case:wacko::weep::mad:

Excuse my bad spelling in the title

14-10-16, 11:08
Hi Tracy,Sorry you are feeling like shit,i know with my PA's there is always a trigger to them,don't know what but my doc has told me that it is our sub conscious mind.When you get that book you ordered it has all that in it,put in layman's words that is why I like and read it all the time.
Hope you start feeling better,remember to do your breathing Tracy.
Karina xxx.:hugs:.

Hi Karina...I am feeling better in general over the last few days which is great. The panic attacks just knock me though. I have a few triggers, one of them is not being near my 'safety' person. One of them is my mum (whom I work with every day), the other is my partner. So my mum had to go to the airport and my partner was out on site (I work with him as well). I was okay for most of the time the were gone but then thought 'gee Mum has been gone for a while', then the what ifs started 'what if I faint or have a siezure and my co workers don't know what to do'. My partner walked around the corner just as I was mid panic and it disappeared straight away. I'm really looking forward to getting the book, I have also enquires about seeing a psychologist to help me work through my fears. I think this will help to bring my anxiety right down. I did try about 20 years ago with psychologist, but kind of found it a waste of time. At that stage I was also having intrusive thoughts and they suggested the rubber band trick, which distracts you so you don't think the thought but it never really worked. I think this time I have a better understanding of what is going on with my anxiety and panic attacks. In saying that, it all gets a bit expensive seeing psychologists and psychiatrists. I have enrolled in a few online free courses. I will let you know how I get on with the book. I should have it mid week. Thanks again for your help xx

14-10-16, 21:27
Hi Tracy, I think if your overall anxiety level is reduced then you definitely are getting somewhere. It will take a while for the attacks when triggered to subside. Keep hanging in there!


14-10-16, 21:52
sorry you had an attack but glad your doing better .

14-10-16, 23:21
Hi Tracy, I think if your overall anxiety level is reduced then you definitely are getting somewhere. It will take a while for the attacks when triggered to subside. Keep hanging in there!


Thanks Shaz! I am very greatful that the medication has been working. I couldn't have gone on the way I was. It just knocks me with the panic attacks. I know I'm going to have to do some exposure type stuff now the anxiety is reduced. Mainly working on exposure to being by myself (that sounded kind of silly) when I wrote it, but getting my partner to go to the shops and leaving me at home and also driving by myself. I will get there, will just have to take little steps. I know I won't change the agoraphobia part of the illness over night and will have to work on it. Plus with the panic, just has to accept it and let it pass.

Saw the pics of Lola on the other thread. Shaz she is such a good looking dog. Love the naughty notes you wrote for her. You keep her in very good shape. Her ears are so cute and unique xx

---------- Post added at 07:51 ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 ----------

sorry you had an attack but glad your doing better .

Thanks Beth! I will get there. It feels like two steps forward one step back sometimes, but as long as we make progress, that's what matters. Hope you are okay. How is you throats today? :hugs:

15-10-16, 09:05
Hi Karina! I good thank you. How are you going? The tablets have made the world of difference. I still have the agoraphobia, but will work on that. Am going to set small goals to start. I have that bad time of the month come today, and no one saw it coming which is quite surprising because usually my partner will ask 'Is it that time of the month soon', because he can tell by the tears and the crankiness, so I guess that is a positive that no one picked up on it this time. I am looking forward no that I am feeling a bit more stable to start to reduce the tablets I am on. I see the psych on Monday. It has been great to have the kids back, I asked their Dad to have them for me for two extra days last week as that was when I was really quite bad, curled up in bed, crying etc. My daughter and I have made cupcakes today and are going to watch a movie together tonight. The boys are down the back making a little fire in the fire pit. They usually get some potatoes and wrap them in foil. They taste super yum. To be honest I feel kind of back to normal, the anxiety is right down. I do try and rest as much as I can on the weekends, because I am up early for work and get quite tired by the time I get home. Hope you and your family are well. Tracy xx

16-10-16, 08:44
Hi Karina! Glad you got a bit of alone time to unwind while the kids were at Movie World. They had good weather for it. Had another little setback today. Took kids to an indoor trampoline park. Started feeling bad on the way there and by the time we were inside it was another full blown panic attack. My partner was with me thank goodness. I have been feeling weird since I got home as well. The panic attack went after a while but since we got home I feel like I have jelly legs and not quite with it. Don't know if it derealisation, I don't really know what that is and if that is what caused it in the first place. Trying not to focus on it too much and doing some reading to take my mind off it. To make matters worse, I had eaten some prunes this morning and when we got back I did a fluff and followed through. I thought gee I really am having a shit day aren't I.:blush:

Hope the rest of your stay is good and you have a safe trip home. I will definately be trying your recommendations for the potatoes and pumpkin next time the boys start up the fire. Take care xx

16-10-16, 20:47
I hope your panic gets better Tracy.

16-10-16, 20:58
Hi Tracy,

I call the fluff and follow through a shart! I had that often when my Crohn's was bad but not in the past two years until I started antibiotics a few days ago! Never try to fart when you're not at home! Ha ha

Sorry you had such a rough time on your outing. Hope things improve soon x

16-10-16, 21:08
With IBS I understand

17-10-16, 00:31
Hi Shaz! I was at home when it happened thank goodness. Kids were wondering why I was having a shower in the middle of the day. That will teach me for eating prunes, both times I have had them now, I have had diarrhea. I think they suggest 6-10, but I quite like them so I had probably double that. Had a shit of a night last night, the Zyprexa was working really well for the anxiety, but now I seem to have panic attacks instead. I am seeing psych to discuss this afternoon. Soooo over this.

17-10-16, 00:34
I hope he helps, hope you feel better.