View Full Version : 15 mg Escitalopram, anyone?

14-10-16, 20:16
I've been feeling lots of depersonalisation and my panic attacks were still bad (though shorter in duration) on 10 mg of Escitalopram, so my therapist increased my dose to 15 mg. I'm just wondering if anyone else has moved up on this medication and how much difference they feel on 15 mg vs. 10 mg.
Advice and experiences welcome, thank you :)

Cpt Spectacular
17-10-16, 10:06
I'm currently on 15mg and have been for nearly a month. I'm having more good days than I did before I upped to that dose, but on a bad day it's often hard to remember that. My GP is upping me to 20mg (the max) to see if we can nip it in the bud. I have been feeling quite unwell over the last few weeks, flu-like almost, but not sure if that's just a coincidence. But, remember, it works differently for everyone! Good luck :).

17-10-16, 10:40
Thank you for your reply. It could be that you're just unwell and it's unrelated to the medication. 15 mg appears to already be working for me,but it's too soon to tell.