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15-10-16, 02:51
So a few weeks ago thought it would be a great idea to renovate the garden and pulled up to concrete paths kept some of the hard-core to go under new patio anyway im Doing it all D.I.Y whilst searching for tips and ideas online asbestos came up now I'm panicking all the time that the concrete paths may have contained it and my kids are going to get ill and I'm going to get cancer and it's all because just wanted the paths up the house was built in the 50s my research said a lot of stuff contained asbestos then we had the fire place tested about a year ago as had work done to chimney lining that came up clear but I can't get an answer on the paths my mum thinks it's hilarious and said it's a path it's got concrete and that's all but it's got blue bits in it she insists this is just old concrete and what if it is asbestos have I killed my self and my children will our lives be shortlived all because of a bloody path? I'm so scared I don't know what to do I have nobody to talk to about my anxiety except my mum but she just doesn't understand! I was hoping to strip old paint of built in wardrobes next week butility worried it may contain lead I'm sorry for the long post

15-10-16, 12:28
Hi there, been in construction for years and have a lot of knowledge on health and safety.

Don't worry about the paths as they are just concrete and nothing else. Asbestos would not be used in paths.

Asbestos is mainly found in these:

corrugated roofing, tiles, 'slates', soffits, gutters, downpipes, walls and panels;
insulation under the roof, on beams and stanchions;
boards and panels, and any insulation between these;
insulation around pipes, on a heater, boiler, calorifier, in storage heaters;
decorative coatings on walls or ceilings;
insulation around windows;
water cistern;
flues, waste water pipes;
plastic floor tiles.

The following materials do not contain asbestos:

brick or breeze-block and mortar;
most furnishings and fabrics (but see 'Equipment' above) .
But they may conceal asbestos.


15-10-16, 15:17
Thank you so much Danny 88 I've been worrying about it for weeks panicking everyday

08-12-16, 13:13
Hi there, been in construction for years and have a lot of knowledge on health and safety.

Don't worry about the paths as they are just concrete and nothing else. Asbestos would not be used in paths.

Asbestos is mainly found in these:

corrugated roofing, tiles, 'slates', soffits, gutters, downpipes, walls and panels;
insulation under the roof, on beams and stanchions;
boards and panels, and any insulation between these;
insulation around pipes, on a heater, boiler, calorifier, in storage heaters;
decorative coatings on walls or ceilings;
insulation around windows;
water cistern;
flues, waste water pipes;
plastic floor tiles.

The following materials do not contain asbestos:

brick or breeze-block and mortar;
most furnishings and fabrics (but see 'Equipment' above) .
But they may conceal asbestos.


Do you know if you can get fibres from touching the roofs off old building like on the outside it looks like flat concrete or ashalpt ?