View Full Version : Nobody listens

Lost all hope
16-10-16, 09:49
Hi think I just need a rant!
I feel like nobody listens to me when I try an tell them how I'm feeling it makes me feel so alone?
These past couple of days iv had pain in my chest so I obviously think the worse but then I also think if it's a heart attack it would of happened by now?
There are loads of things I want to change in my life like I need to lose weight start eating healthy stop smoking but I just don't have the motivation to do it I get no help off family members, my friends are none existence!
I don't feel anxious about anything so why have I got anxiety? The doc says what do I think about when my anxiety starts I don't think about anything im just sat watching telly or doing something then starts is that what anxiety is?
I want my life back because I'm not living at the moment an it's not fair an my kids, I just want to be ok :weep:

16-10-16, 10:06
Yes, it is. Anxiety is more likely to be your sub-conscious mind.
And as we can think about hundreds of things per day, flashing through our mind.
Generally people don't understand and just pacify you.
The fact that your Doc asks what you are thinking about when your anxiety starts, clearly has no concept of the illness at all. Try and find out whether you have a GP in your practice that deals with mental health. x

16-10-16, 10:12
Sorry to hear you're feeling rough!

With regards to motivation, ultimately it always has to come from within. People can say things to help, but ultimately the source of our change in our lives comes from ourselves.

If you are struggling for motivation, I always suggest creating really small tiny goals.

So for losing weight, and stopping smoking... I would create a goal of going for a 10 minute walk, and having one less cigarette today. Or postponing a cigarette by 30 minutes. So say you fancy a cig, you say to yourself.... "No, i'm going to wait 30 minutes."

The bigger the goals you create, the more overhwlming they seem. So just start very very small.

With regards to people listening. Some people do listen, some people don't. But you also have to take ownership of conveying your thoughts in a way that they can relate to. That isn't easy.

Do you have hobbies, things that you enjoy that you can focus on?

Lost all hope
16-10-16, 10:36
I know it's me that has to do it, but I'd like a bit more support if u know what I mean?
I want my family to ask if I'm ok sometimes an ask questions about how I'm feeling an listen to me when I try an talk to them instead of them just saying "u will be fine" or "get over it" which isn't very helpful!
I think I have low self esteem aswel because I don't like myself very much I don't like some choices iv made I don't like some things iv done an I so wish I could change them but I can't?
I don't really have hobbies I go to bingo but that can be expensive!
I don't know if I'm happy in my relationship or its just the way I'm feeling because I do love him we have been together years an have two kids together! I just don't know what to do where to start I'm lost.

---------- Post added at 10:36 ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 ----------

Hi carnation,
Think I'm going to have to change doctor she is very nice an is young so don't think she knows very much about mental health i feel awful tho saying I want to see a different doctor? I hope ithat is anxiety that I have an nothing sinister?

16-10-16, 10:43
People chop and change all the time, don't worry about offending anyone.

My partner always says I am fine and suffers from anxiety himself.
It's just something people say. They know that you are not, but don't what to say, so they say that. It's not because they don't care. x