View Full Version : re- setback

16-10-16, 10:36
Setback just got worse...
I've not posted all week. I have been in a mh clinic, had a few "funny turns"...
Tomorrow I start on lithium, my psychiatrist is running out of options to help me with the depression/anxiety.
I will be taking citalopram 20mg and half of the lowest dose of lithium (over sensitive for meds.) I have had all the tests done to see if I can take lithium and the results were good enough. I will stay in the clinic under observation. as will be having regular blood tests and I really can't cope with all the stress at home on my own,
I have had several different meds. over the years but for some reason I am really frightened to start lithium. Don't know why. :weep:
can anyone talk some sense into me...
I have to try this, I can't go one with the relapses every few weeks.
take care

16-10-16, 17:31
Awww Sidam this illness sucks. I guess you are in the best place at the moment. Have you started the new med?maybe good time to start them whilst you are under observation etc. Take care and hope you start to get some relief.xx

18-10-16, 17:47
Awww Sidiam this illness sucks. I guess you are in the best place at the moment. Have you started the new med?maybe good time to start them whilst you are under observation etc. Take care and hope you start to get some relief.xx

Thanks alot for thinking of me. You are right I suppose I am in the best place. They know me here (been before) and it is a good clinic.. alone at home isn't an option at the moment.
Started the lithium last evening and felt "strange" all day today. I'll just have to go with the flow...:roflmao: never been good at that, so will try not to be too stressed out about things.

How are you, decided to stop the citalopram or give it more time?:
take care
Sxx :hugs:

19-10-16, 18:48
Hi Sidam. I'm sticking it out at 25mg but just not feeling it. Some days are slightly better than others but none are amazing. The need to take a deep breath never ever leaves me. I'm not sure what to do really! Hope you start to improve. Keep strong. Xx

20-10-16, 17:50
Hi Sidam. I'm sticking it out at 25mg but just not feeling it. Some days are slightly better than others but none are amazing. The need to take a deep breath never ever leaves me. I'm not sure what to do really! Hope you start to improve. Keep strong. Xx

Maybe you do need the 30mg. what does your doctor say?

I'm the same always sighing and puffing and blowing.
Have you tried breathing exercises?... if I really put my mind to it they do seem to work for awhile, I guess the idea is to always breathe differently but that I can't do. I still do the shoulders exercise thingy and that does relax me a bit.
Don't know what is happening with the lithium 4th dose tonight, tomorrow blood test to see if I can carry on with it, if so then I think the powers that be will the dose.
just have to wait and see
take care

20-10-16, 19:58
Hi maybe i do.. last few days felt rubbish.. Just on edge and irratated and moody and constant need to yawn and deep breath.. im going docs but not til Nov. I might increase to 30mg and see how i feel. or should i decrease and see how i feel?? its a nightmare just not knowing what to do for the best. Thanks for the advise about the breathing exercises.

How do you feel you are doing?? improving any? when will you come home?
Lets hope you start to feel better real soon.
Take care
Polly xx

23-10-16, 11:22
Hi Polly,
Sorry you are still feeling bad. It is so exhausting isn't it? I never know if it is the meds. or the illness that makes me so knackered.
I'd wait to see what the doctor says, it will soon be November...maybe when you took the 30mg before you should have given it more time to settle...it is purely guess work to find what works for us and it takes time...too much time...
Hope you are now having a couple of up days, anything exciting this weekend?
My blood/kidney test test was ok so I guess I will start a higher dose of lithium on Monday. roll on new side effects..
Don't feel any better, only after about 20.30 does the grey blanket lift a bit..
Sunday and it is nearly lunch time and I am still in my night gear... at least I've put the washing machine on, might even sweep the floors :winks::ohmy:

My fellow sufferer/mh. friend will be here later, so can get out for awhile then drink a cappuccino in the hospital cafe before I go back to the psych. department. Don't know how long I will be here, they (the nurses) are already talking about me coming home. Scares me...don't want to be there but also don't want to be home..

thanks for posting, no one else does,
take care

23-10-16, 11:58
Aww chin up. Least you getting the support you need in the mh hospital. I can't drink coffee sends me a bit daft! It is hard to know if it the med or the illness, ya so right there.. I've gone up to 30mg.. second day. Done it off my own back. Will see how I feel when visit doc. My down days do seem to be linked to my cycle.. however will see what doc says. Anyways keep strong. Glad ya tests were OK. Speak soon. Xx

23-10-16, 21:19
Hope that the doc agrees that you have upped your dose. Now you have to give it time, lots of time to do it's work.. Patience and small steps, you know how it goes.
I'm off to bed, it's been a funny old day...definitely not haha!!
take care

24-10-16, 10:02
Hey morning day 3. Don't feel too bad! How's you? Originally doc wanted me to go to 30mg but I was reluctant to jump from 20 to 30 so split it. So I am hoping all will be OK. Like you say I have to hold out now for a few weeks.. speak soon. Hope you have a better day. X

24-10-16, 18:42
Oh I got that wrong I thought that you had tried 30mg and cut back to 25mg because you couldn't cope with it.. You are probably going to feel like s***t for awhile but who knows maybe you will have a pleasant surprise and not get any extra side effects. Whatever..... you have to stick it out and give it a chance..
It's what I am having to do, 400mg instead of 200mg this evening. Don't know why this med. seems to scare me, maybe because of the blood/kidney checks every week.
I hope you get answers to your other post, there are alot of people on citalopram out there. Have you tried any other forums?
time to drink coffee with the group and watch a bit of tv. and then off to bed.
hope you are feeling reasonable and are coping,
take care

24-10-16, 20:18
my post is slightly confusing. i did try the 30mg a while back but didnt last more than a few days and looking back at what i had put in my diary i was reluctant to take it so i dropped to 25mg. i guess i was fighting it and felt dreadful. This time i am going to try stick it out. i do feel a bit easier today.. Mind you bad back ache so ive been thinking about that. hope you are improving, Thanks for the message. night xx

25-10-16, 21:26
upping a dose is always pretty bad.
Feeling terrible/cold/jittery (your other post) etc are normal side effects...we have try to :D and bear it.
I'm glad I'm here in the clinic at least the other doolallys all have problems...and I am not so alone...

off to bed again now,
take care
Sxx :hugs:

26-10-16, 21:16
Tryingto bear it but gosh it's hard. How are you doing? I am so achy neck arms it's ridiculous. I guess that's cos I'm tensing up.. oh and grinding and clenching jaw again. That had settled.. day 6 tomorrow. Night. Hope ya OK. Xx

29-10-16, 12:05
How are you doing now, you've been a week on 30mgs, are you coping with the side effects? Doing anything exciting this weekend?
I had my bloedtests yesterday and the results are ok. Upped the dose again last night as it wasn't enough to give me a workable lithium level. Docs. seem satisfied but I was hoping I would be feeling a bit better. Came home yesterday 'til Sunday evening then back to the clinic for the week. Surviving but that is about all, no get up and go, no "pleasure" in things..
library this afternoon with a friend and I get to see the granddaughters tomorrow, so I shouldn't complain alot of people worse off than me.....but alot do seem to have it easier...:shrug:
keep in touch
take care

29-10-16, 13:26
Hey. Nice that you got the weekend at home and get chance to see grandkids.. I'm just back from a clothes sale.. far too busy. Went with mum. I'm not a great shopper! Let's hope you start to improve. The side affects have settled a bit. Still no energy but like ya say could be worse. Try have a great weekend.
