View Full Version : Dizziness. Please reply

16-10-16, 14:05
Hello again. Finally migrain has gone but my neck and shoulders are really tensed still as my anxiety is still through the roof with this im really dizzy, was just wondering if anyone else had this and if it's normal? Going back to the gp tomorrow, also ive noticed I'm breathing really slow and shallow witch I think is why I'm dizy too Ive been told by the gp to try and relax and it will go soon but because I'm so stressed and panicy it's worse :( feels like a constant battle almost like a circle just going round and round I just wanna be better now, thanks for reading xxxxx

16-10-16, 14:16
If you want to start feeling better, make that your focus.

It feels like a circle because it is. You are focussing on the neck tension, dizzyness, and all of the things that are making you anxious.

So take a step off the roundabout....

Focus on one thing you can do to start making yourself feel better. Eat a healthy meal, and go for a walk.

You can always start worrying again when you get back if you want.

16-10-16, 14:19
dizziness is a common side effect of anxiety. try and remenber these symptoms and anxiety can't actually harm you. you are perfectly safe

16-10-16, 14:22
Thank you SLA makes a lot of sense though! I figure when I'm most focused on my dizzyness and breathing it's worse just hard to get my head to stop also I don't go out on my own I have aggrophobia I only go to the gp and that's with a family member so going for a walk is out of the question I'm going to maybe adult colouring book watch some films and do deep breathing exercises! I have to get better !!!! I think I like you said befor with having the flu it has triggers my anxiety to flare back up :( xzzz

16-10-16, 15:24
Have you sought therapy for your agoraphobia?

16-10-16, 15:27
Yea but nothing has worked as of yet, maybe because I'm not allowing it to because I'm always afraid maybe?xx

16-10-16, 15:36
Yes, maybe... interesting you should say that.

I'm pleased to hear that you've sought therapy though. Everyone should have opportunities to live enjoyable lives, and agoraphobia does limit that.

Sometimes we do find comfort in anxiety, and let it limit us, because it's easier... and we have an excuse.

But if we do that, we are ultimately living very unintersting lives, and making things worse for ourselves.

That's why I like doing small things each day to improve myself, and expand my comfort zone.

I have an Auntie who is 51 now, and she is still living with her Dad, and never leaves the house. Because whenever she faces a difficult moment in life, she closes herself in more and more.

She has no friends, no prospects, and the best years of her life are gone.

So I always try and beat things rather than let it shrink my options. Because that is how she got in that mess!

Got to find something to be positive about each day. Life is too short, and will pass by in a blink if you are not careful.

16-10-16, 17:08
I get alot of dizziness, even when not overly anxious, If you have tight muscles in your neck and shoulders etc that can contribute to dizziness too. well I know for me it certainly does

16-10-16, 17:25
That's exactly what I have tensed neck and shoulders and I'm shattered too sobthjnk its all that tbh gonna go back gp and get some help tomorrow because Ive worn myself out xxx