View Full Version : Broken capillaries around ribs

16-10-16, 16:17
I was having a lovely day decided to run myself a nice relaxing bath - Bliss! Right?

Noooo I checked my body, like us HA members do and now I'm not coping well.
I've found what looks like a patch of broken capillaries, blueish purple spider type veins, around my ribs. Only a small patch but it's on both sides more towards my front.

I shown my partner just to confirm I wasn't seeing things and it is broken capillaries, he said he wouldn't even notice them let alone worry, he's like that with everything lol!

I'm panicking and i don't really know why, I started naming all these possibilities to my partner he just looked at me as if to say "are you for real" :weep:

Can anyone try and explain what causes these? I'm not overweight or anything, its strange that it's on both sides.

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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Oh and they've definitely only just appeared I know every inch of my body so I would for sure know if they'd always been there

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P.P.S if anyone has then please let me know that'll make me feel better lol. I always associated them with older people.

16-10-16, 16:32
I had that on the right side in the place you mentioned. no idea what caused it but I forgot about it and it went away at some point.

not sure if that helps

16-10-16, 16:34
Obviously none of us can say what these things are that you've found, but it sounds like your partner has the right approach. I like him!

Assuming they are broken capillaries, these can be caused by many things. It's damage to tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin, so it can easily be caused by some sort of trauma, even something minor.

It does tend to occur in older people, but not exclusively. It isn't usually a sign of anything nasty, and is certainly not worth worrying about. Honestly, this is something you should just leave alone. It's probably just a blemish and certainly not worth ruining your day over.

16-10-16, 16:38
Thankyou both! It's good to hear someone else who had it and it's just gone away

Server you're right, I don't even know what I'm trying to associate it with really! As it's on both sides left and right it can't be trauma, I could sit here all night trying to figure it out sending myself loopy or just forget about it, the latter feeling like the more difficult option lol.

I've not googled, which is good, it probably wouldn't come up with anything of use anyway. As you say I'm going to try and leave it alone. Hopefully they will sod off like skymaids!

16-10-16, 16:56
Even a dermatologist would probably have a hard time telling you why it has happened.

Sometimes things do just happen. If you decide to pursue your worry about this, I think you know it could be a long, unpleasant, and fruitless road. It's just your body being a body.

16-10-16, 17:22
I noticed these on myself Katie, about 2 years ago. I showed the doctor and she wasn't remotely interested in them, she said 'they are not something i would be worrying about.' I really don't think they are anything you need to be concerned about,.When my HA calmed down I could see that they were something that people without HA wouldn't even register. :)

16-10-16, 17:33
I noticed these on myself Katie, about 2 years ago. I showed the doctor and she wasn't remotely interested in them, she said 'they are not something i would be worrying about.' I really don't think they are anything you need to be concerned about,.When my HA calmed down I could see that they were something that people without HA wouldn't even register. :)

Thanks Primula, yes you're right and my partner always says I need to practice not checking my body, because usually if something was wrong it would make me aware without me having to find it.

Yep my doc would definitely say the same I think so for that reason alone I'm not going to pursue it lol.

Whenever I come across something like this on my body, it's as if everything stops for a moment and zooms in, sheer panic sets in and then I'm just in hyper focus mode about everything and obsess over what ive found for ages! Without even questioning why I'm doing it or what I think it is, I know posting on here is feeding it, but I've got much better at then letting it go and not following it up with a docs appointment or endless googling.

16-10-16, 17:39
well done for not googling. that takes some great willpower

when I first got anxiety I used to get pins and needles in my feet and made the mistake of googling that. top 5 things were hideous diseases (none of which I have)

16-10-16, 17:46
I've probably asked you this before, Katie, but are you having or have you had any therapy? You've just described a thought process that I'm sure we all recognise but which needs to be firmly challenged.

16-10-16, 18:05
I've probably asked you this before, Katie, but are you having or have you had any therapy? You've just described a thought process that I'm sure we all recognise but which needs to be firmly challenged.

I've had CBT server on the NHS, when I had my initial assessment they said based on what I've told them she would recommend a 'more intense' CBT whatever that means, but that had a waiting list upto 6 weeks and I'd have to travel for it.
So they gave me the option of that or the online CBT course what was available at my well-being centre, I chose that as I was able to start straight away.

I could do it from home or at the centre and i had a therapist who would talk me through each section and then review what I'd gone through that week.

I found it helpful and I did feel some progress, but since then I suppose I haven't been doing everything I know I should be doing. I still have access to the online programmes for upto a year, and I've not been on there once since my therapy ended in I think June.

So it's all on me really, I don't feel as bad with it as I did the start of the year, but yes I'm still having the same thoughts and worries it doesn't take much for me to be back in that state if hysteria.


16-10-16, 19:04
Broken capillaries are very common and nothing to worry about.

16-10-16, 20:31
They could be stretch marks. I know they're mostly associated with pregnancy, weight loss and getting older but can also be caused by restrictive clothing or underwear. I got something that sounds similar from an under wired bra. Bio oil faded them.

16-10-16, 22:39
Was your bath hot rather than warm?

16-10-16, 23:57
I saw them before the bath Mercime, I really can't think of anything that could have caused them so there's probably no point thinking about it really lol I'll just see if they go on their own I suppose instead of getting worked up.