View Full Version : Can't wait to get back to work - am I the only one?

16-10-16, 21:25
It must sound really crazy, but I actually dread having time off of work. I feel like such a loser without a life saying this, as everyone else seems to LOVE having time off. But, I feel safe at work, because I am kept busy and distracted from anxiety/panic and safe from myself, eventhough I do get social anxiety and I have to serve people and I do get really anxious about that as well :weep:
Also, when I was about 13, I had a fear of being at home because of several scary things, so I guess this feeling has stayed with me.
It's getting me down and feeling like life ain't worth it if I can't enjoy my own leisure time. Am I the only one who feels like this, as everyone else seems to be the opposite and hate work when they're anxious.

Many thanks :hugs:

16-10-16, 21:37
I absolutely hate not working. not really a fan of holidays and always have to be productive. everything else seemed too slow and id stsrt to think too much. its what got me like this though (anxiety).

im meant to be resting but I struggle with guilt from not being productive.

this is the kind of thinking I need to change though personally

16-10-16, 21:41
Aw I'm the same, I hate having too much time on my hands to start overthinking, so I especially hate holidays. But I find it hard to keep myself busy and distracted when I have a week off, so I really dread it. :weep:

19-10-16, 12:35
I also find work a haven in times of anxiety. I'm struggling at the moment and though it's hard to concentrate on work, I know I'd be ten times worse if I was at home with nothing to distract me.

19-10-16, 15:15
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling at the mo, as I am too. I find it hard to concentrate at work too, but as you do I find it a haven as well. Unfortunately, I have a week off of work at the mo and it's so hard.

Sam Winter
19-10-16, 17:05
Holidays are definitely an intimidating time forme its almost like I try harder to stay alive plus my superstitious OCD makes me think something terrible will happen (such fun! lol) I don't have a proper job yet but I do volunteer at the stables I had horse therapy at, I try to work as many days as I can because I love to be distracted haha x

19-10-16, 18:08
Sorry to hear that you feel like this too Sam. I can totally understand the trying harder to stay alive thing. Aww volunteering with horses sounds amazing - I'd love to do that! I love being distracted as well, but my work has made me use up the rest of my holiday hours, which is annoying lol! I wish I could do as many days as possible too. x

19-10-16, 18:14
Back when I was struggling with depression and anxiety in 2008, I was signed off work for 6 weeks. Some of that time was needed to recover, but when I look at it now, going back to work was a HUGE step in getting better, and I should have done it sooner.

I don't think its a distraction thing. Anxiety finds ways around that. :D

But its just being with people, having a routine, and a sense of purpose.

Time off is cool, but everyone wants to be doing something don't they?

Saying that, i'd love some time off right now! :roflmao:

19-10-16, 19:17
Yes I agree - I feel safer around people and knowing that I've got somewhere to go to and be around familiar people. And the whole having a routine and a purpose is so true, as I've read low self-esteem can cause anxiety, so having a purpose in life can boost our confidence and self-esteem.
Aw, well you can take my holiday time if you'd like lol.:roflmao: