View Full Version : Propranolol &a frequent urination

16-10-16, 21:38
I suffer from frequent urination when I'm anxious or in situations where I can't get access to a toilet (car journeys etc) and basically when I start to worry and get anxious in these situations (say a meeting for example) I have a full bladder within 10 minutes, every 10 minutes. It's not a trickle, it's a full bladder with clear urine and it's a living nightmare. It's last for about an hour and I'm physically exhausted.

I've had tests and there's nothing physically wrong with me, the doctors prescribed propranolol for me to try, 10mg as and when needed. Now when I know I have an upcoming "situation" coming up, say a dentist appointment I tend to avoid drinking and take a tablet, this works great and I'm usuallly calm inside and get through with no problems.

This is my problem....

I now work in an environment where sometimes I can be asked to jump in meetings almost without warning and I'm concerned my propranolol won't work in time for the meeting. I've read a lot about how it can take an hour or so to get working and an hour into a meeting for me would have probably meant 3 toilet trips already! At the moment I have managed to find excuses to leave to "find a report" or something similar but I worry it won't last long before someone notices! Does propranolol work for frequent urination after an hour too or for its main purpose? Is there a better medication? I haven't managed to try it sort from when I went to watch a football match the other day. I was anxious about 20 minutes into the game (I was watching it on tv and anxious about my team!), I took 10mg and 20 minutes later I went to the loo, a further 20 minutes later I went again, then I went 40 minutes later.

I'm awfully confused, upset, annoyed etc etc and struggle to find answers from the Internet. If anyone can help I would really really appreciate it. Thank you.

Catherine S
17-10-16, 00:02
I think the reason you have the frequency of urination when you are anxious or in a state of panic is because everything is speeded up...as in heartrate, breathing, digestion etc, because when your system is in the grip of that, the 'fight or flight' trigger means that your bladder and bowel is emptying in order to conserve energy to either run away from danger, or stay and knock the cr*p out of your enemies.

Your nervous system doesn't know the difference between that and giving a presentation in a meeting, it just knows that you feel fear and it reacts the way it should in that situation. Propranolol, and all beta blockers in fact, slow that process down considerably which is why your doctor has prescribed them. My experience of propranolol is that they take nowhere near an hour to feel the effects, more like 20 minutes to be honest. I've recently been changed to another beta blocker called Bisoprolol and it's the same with these, no longer than 15 to 20 minutes before my whole system calms down. Perhaps you need to discuss the dose you take with your doctor? It may need increasing slightly so the positive effects are delivered quicker. Hope that helps.