View Full Version : Dizziness and Collapse

17-10-16, 11:58

Has anyone who suffers with dizziness ever collapsed because of it?

This is a major fear of mine - I play it out in my head everyday.


17-10-16, 13:09
No. I've felt INCREDIBLY dizzy at times and never collapsed. But I am not sure what that proves.

Do you suffer with dizziness?

17-10-16, 13:37

Thank you for replying.

Yes, my dizziness is out of control.

I cannot go out of the house by myself, as i get too dizzy.

When I do venture out, I feel like I am staggering.

I feel like Im being pushed forwards and backwards.

Even the breeze makes me feel off balance.


17-10-16, 14:00
Have you been to the Doctor with it?

What's your diet like?

17-10-16, 14:08

Yes been to GP.

Ive had anxiety for 9 years and its decided to rear its ugly head once again.

Its got worse since the kids are back at school.

GP has increased my ADs and I asked to be referred to a psychiatrist. Got an appointment on Wednesday.

I had a racing heart earlier at 123bpm, so I decided to clean my bathroom to take my mind off it.

Im now getting worked up as I have to collect kids in an hour.

On the plus side, I did find some 8 year old Oxazepam! Bit crumbly, but I took one.

How are you doing?


17-10-16, 15:58
I'm very good thanks. :)

My dizziness is usually either caused by dehydration, lack of sugar, or problems with my neck. Anxiety just exacerbates the problems.

And I'd call 123BPM an elevated heart-rate, and not a racing one.

Its perfectly normal to go up to 123 multiple times a day, even for someone without anxiety.

Good to hear you are getting help. Good luck!!

23-10-16, 00:29
I'm having the same trouble too. Had a few dizzy feelings recently, but nothing major until the other morning I got off the bus and just couldn't move as I was afraid that I was going to collapse. Luckily I had a friend with me who got me to a shop so I could get some sugar in me (I had skipped dinner the night before, so thought it could be low blood sugar, I'm not diabetic though). But the feeling would not go away so after 45 minutes I took myself to the hospital as my hands and face had begun tingling. My heart rate and BP were so high that I was put onto a monitor, given an ECG and had blood tests, which all showed nothing was physically wrong. While I was there I also burst into tears as I have been getting a lot of stress in the past few months, which has triggered anxiety (I have been pretty free from it for a few years, now it's back with a vengeance). A nurse told me that it's the stress coming out and that's why I was crying and that I must see my GP about it, so I have made an appointment for next week.

In the last few months I also had two bouts of severe stomach acid, also right after a particularly stressful occasion, which gave me chest pains, and both of those times I was in the hospital too. Again no heart issues, so I don't need to worry about that.

I do wonder though if some of this is brought on by poor posture and/or being stuck at a desk for most of the day? Although I do get up and wander around every so often.

Hoping my GP can get me some help, I don't want to take medicine, I'm hoping that I can get some therapy, it helped me massively in the past, but I can no longer afford private sessions or I'd be in it again right now :(

23-10-16, 12:06

Thanks for the reply.

Ive been to A&E many times, had bloods, ecg's, even an MRI of my heart (due to a possible heart condition -which was negative, thank God).

Im not dizzy in the house, just outside.

Ive been referred at my own request to see a psychiatrist. I saw the assessor on Wednesday and she was worried at my high level of anxiety and said I need to see the psychiatrist but there is a long waiting list.

I really dont know how much more I can take.

Hope you have a good day today xx :hugs::hugs:

23-10-16, 13:23
when I was stuck in a job I particularly hated I usex to get anxiety and dizziness. it was so bad I had to walk along near the wall incase I fell so I had some to hold me up.I never actually fell though

like you this only happened outside which I think says it all.

as my therapist says (I get other symptoms than dizziness this time round) your sofa/bed aren't infused with diazepam.

27-10-16, 19:05
I get horrendous dizziness, I find it one of the worst symptoms. In fact, I am having a do right now. It upsets me so much.

27-10-16, 20:03
Hi Alio

Im sorry youre having dizzness.

Its such a horrid feeling isnt it.

Do you take medication?


30-10-16, 08:41
My last dizzy do lasted six weeks. I was banging into walls and stuff but never actually keeled over. It's a horrible feeling isn't it?