View Full Version : Racing thoughts when lying in bed.

17-10-16, 15:31
Yesterday evening, I went to bed at my normal sleeping hour, but I slept in late sunday morning, so I wasn't tired yet. I facetimed my boyfriend and tried to sleep, but I couldn't.
Then at once, I started thinking, not normal thinking, but like RACING thoughts, I couldn't stop them and they kept on going. It was really weird. It could be scenarios about people I know, or just a song I know.. There was always something on my mind. My heart also started pounding and I started sweating. I stood up and went on my phone, and that distraction helped. But as soon as I tried to sleep, it was back. Eventually, I fell asleep at about 5 AM and slept for 2 more hours.

But I'm so afraid now: am I going crazy? Is this psychosis?
I am an anxiety sufferer and have had lots of physical symptoms, but not this??? I'm so afraid to go to sleep tonight..

17-10-16, 15:41
Did you have a coffee, or caffeinated drink yesterday?

Sounds like you just had just had a panic attack.

17-10-16, 15:51
Did you have a coffee, or caffeinated drink yesterday?

Sounds like you just had just had a panic attack.

No I didn't. Just 2 cups of tea. But now I'm like really afraid of it and keep thinking about the experience..

24-10-16, 08:24
I facetimed my boyfriend and tried to sleep, but I couldn't.

Then at once, I started thinking, not normal thinking, but like RACING thoughts, I couldn't stop them and they kept on going. It was really weird. It could be scenarios about people I know, or just a song I know.. There was always something on my mind. My heart also started pounding and I started sweating. I stood up and went on my phone, and that distraction helped. But as soon as I tried to sleep, it was back. Eventually, I fell asleep at about 5 AM and slept for 2 more hours.

You're not going crazy and it isn't psychosis. Racing and intrusive thoughts are my most problematic anxiety symptom but once you understand why you're having them, the fear will leave you and you can work on strategies to distract your mind. CBT really helped me with this.

I picked up on the fact that you face-timed your boyfriend at night?...A lot of people who have problems getting to sleep use computers/phones before bedtime. These electronics emit a light which interferes with the release of melotonin - the sleep inducing hormone.

Face-timing or checking your e-mails etc at night is firing your brain up when you really want it to be slowing down ready for sleep. Lose the electronics before bed (and out of the bedroom) and see if that improves things.:)

24-10-16, 14:15
Hi mismashful

How are you doing now? Have you been able to sleep better? I’ve been going through a similar experience recently. Last night was particularly bad. I couldn’t sleep and every time I opened my eyes I had hallucinations of spiders, balls of light, at one point I even hallucinated my bedroom door was a giant screen showing google maps! I have had similar hallucinations before, but always upon waking, so it wasn’t an entirely new experience.

I was also had racing thoughts like what you’ve described, jumping from one topic to another and sometimes having thoughts that were totally nonsensical. Like you, I became a bit concerned about psychosis but I was aware at all times the hallucinations weren’t real and a key aspect of psychosis is lack of insight so I think we’re both okay on that front.

Instead, I’ve started worrying about a brain tumour, because of course I have. :D Anxiety is a strange and ridiculous thing.

Anyway, I think Nora is exactly right about not using electronics before bed, I have a bad habit of going online to "relax" before trying to sleep and I don't think it helps. I hope you’ve been able to get some sleep since posting. Take care.

24-10-16, 20:43
well this sounds like most of my life, I have had this from about 10 years old though it was normal until i stated having panic attack in my late 20's now and then, thought maybe just had a good imagination but see it was prob aneixy related. I need to wear myself out durning the day to sleep well, if all asleep with boring movies sometimes other times i just have to get up and try to walk or whatnot, or take something to sleep.. it such tired all the time but it comes and goes mostly with my stress or excitement levels.