View Full Version : Have to get blood test results myself.

Sam Winter
17-10-16, 16:34
First off sorry if this in the wrong category and my apologies for sounding like a huge baby, but I had my blood test on Tuesday and the results will probably be back now but I have huge anxiety with phoning up people especially the docs, is it okay to just leave it until I meet the doc on the 4th? I know I sound really stupid but I tried earlier and had a panic attack so I went blank :weep:

17-10-16, 16:35
Do you have a reason to not like phoning?

What about it makes you anxious?

Sam Winter
17-10-16, 16:38
Do you have a reason to not like phoning?

What about it makes you anxious?

Honestly its weird I'm pretty good with face to face I can cope but its harder on phone I guess because in person someone can kind of tell you're panicking and give you tike but on the phone if you go blank you're doomed, also I'm too scared to find out at the same time so I freeze and don't ask x

17-10-16, 17:23
Sam if there are any problems with your results they will contact you.

If they don't then leaving it should be fine.


ps I get the whole not wanting to phone thing. It is very common honest.

Sam Winter
18-10-16, 09:39
Thanks Elen x