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17-10-16, 18:24
Been back to the go again today! Got put on 10mg escitalopram, i know i need to take them as im at NY absolute lowest but im so scared of side effects I've been put on 10mg and i really can't cope with anymore worry symptoms for me to head to the hospital with, im just tired :( anyone had a hard time on these or!xx

17-10-16, 19:37
I've had a very good time on Escitalopram! :) I started on 10 mg, but the doctor upped my dose to 15 mg. I had no side-effects other than the nausea I'd feel a few hours after taking the tablet. I was going through a very tough time when I started Escitalopram, and it helped make me feel more cheerful. Most importantly, though, it helped shorten the duration of my panic attacks. I'd say Escitalopram is a very good medication, and I'd give it a chance if I were you.

17-10-16, 20:39
Yes I do wanna take it so you recommend the morning or night? Im worried about side effects ATM as Ive read a lot witch I shouldn't and some people have had horrific side effects! And my anxiety and depression is at its worst I cry everyday have 3/4 if not more panic attacks a day I can not cope nomore :( xz

17-10-16, 20:41
Stop reading about the worst case scenarios.

You're making a rod for your own back.

Take the meds, do something creative.

18-10-16, 00:29
I take my Lexapro at night because it tends to make me sleepy. If it doesn't for you, then it doesn't really matter when you take it.

I had some side effects when I started; my doc originally put me on 10mg every other day and then my psych changed it to 10 mg per day (I'm now taking 20 mg daily). I had nausea, a shaky feeling, some sleepiness, and vivid dreams - which have continued but are actually quite entertaining :) It was irritating and difficult but in the end, not that bad. I made it through. When I went from 10 to 20 I had no side effects whatsoever.

I'm still not perfect by any means, but it's helping me cope better than I was, I think.

18-10-16, 10:04
Thank you very much I'm gonna take 5mg for abit first as I'm really scared ATM x

18-10-16, 10:14
I'm on 10mg - I take mine at night X

18-10-16, 13:41
Please don't be scared, and try to stay away from reading about the side effects of the medication as everyone reacts to it differently. I understand you're apprehensive, but it is a good medication. I take it in the morning, btw. :)