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View Full Version : appealing PIP, living off next to nothing & fed up!

17-10-16, 23:40
Hi :)
I had been receiving DLA and ESA. Obviously DLA changed to PIP and I had to reapply.... I got a no. I asked for a mandatory reconsideration and got another no. I finally appealed which has gone to a tribunal. I sent everything off (evidence, forms etc) in September, I've been chasing it up every day nearly and was finally told today that basically the tribunal people only sent my info over to PIP on 5th October despite having had it since early September. PIP have 28 days to do something or other from 5th October before I will even get a court date.
(Sorry my terms might not all be correct I find it all really confusing).
I'm so anxious and fed up. Since my DLA stopped my ESA was cut unbeknown to me as they were still paying me the normal amount, last week I got a call that they realised they have accidentally been overpaying me (since ESA should have been cut when my DLA stopped in August).
I was told ESA will take it out of my next few payments or send me a bill.
I'm only getting £400 a month ESA, I live with my mum still but I contribute towards bills and buy food and need transport to college and CBT appointments once a week on top of just LIVING!
I wish more than anything I was capable of holding down a job but my anxiety and other physical health issues are so unpredictable it's literally impossible for me!
I know people have it much worse than me but I get so upset about it every day! I'm not going to be able to get anybody a Christmas present at all this year when I'm living off £3 a day!
My boyfriend has come into some money, from his grandad selling a house and some work he has done and I just can't be happy for him when I'm so fed up in my own position! I feel awful!
Sorry for the rant lol!