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View Full Version : Yep, another one for the needle

18-10-16, 10:30
Hey guys, I realise this has been covered a million times already, but I feel like I need some advice and words of comfort right now.

I need to have two blood tests done - one this week (ideally) and one in a couple of weeks time, and I am quite frankly, terrified.

I've had lots of blood tests and injections over the years for one reason or another and until a certain time I was absolutely fine with them, but then I had a really scary episode where I passed out whilst having blood taken and woke up feeling absolutely dreadful, surrounded by doctors and nurses who were all really concerned about me.

Since then I've been maybe two other times to have blood taken, but I have always felt so unbelievably terrible and both times have come very close to passing out again - which is a feeling I really really hate experiencing.

I know its ok to tell them that you're anxious about needles etc. but last time I did this, the person doing the test made a big deal about it, saying i'd have to move to another bay, they'd have to get the bed out etc. and basically made me feel awful for being nervous. In the end she made a fuss and walked all the way round to reception to get one of the ladies to come and talk to me during the test, which did admittedly help a little. I felt so stupid and embarrassed though and don't want that to be added onto the anxiety and fear I'll no doubt have again... I know I shouldn't care what anyone thinks of me, but I'm a youngish, tall guy, so I always get that "someone like you shouldn't be scared of needles" look from people which really bothers me and makes me feel 10 times worse.

I do need to get this test done but I don't know if I can face it at the moment :unsure:


18-10-16, 11:19
Hiya, my boyfriend suffers in the same way you are describing, to the point where he now flat out refuses to go back for blood tests (he had root canal with no injection...insane).
His last two episodes have come as a result of watching me have blood tests so trust me i familiarise with what you are describing.
The best thing you can do is have someone take your attention away BUT do not assume this will take your issue away, it won't however it might make it more bearable.
if i were you i would take a friend with me and i would perhaps explain to the receptionist that in the past you've had to lay down for blood tests (see if she can organise this to happen before you arrive so you are not feeling so embarrassed) or say to the nurse i have had very bad experiences with blood tests and would like to lay down, if you take control or the situation you are less likely to feel so vulnerable. if the nurse suggests you just get on with it, tell her to have other doctors available incase you pass out, then breathe extremely deeply, clear your head, big deep breaths, talk about something stimulating so as you're not pretending to give it your attention, actually give it your attention, and then try to relax. Oh and don't stand up or move until you have breathed enough to have the fuzzyness move from your head. Hope this helps!

18-10-16, 11:25
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I think I will definitely try to get someone to go with me... I also know that this is only a distraction from, rather than solution for, the problem, which isn't a great idea I suppose, but if it gets a result then that is the main thing.

I feel so stupid for being this terrified and self-conscious, but I just cannot help it :(

Catherine S
18-10-16, 12:08
Hi DJ, It's not fair that it's allowed for children to become hysterical when faced with a needle, and I was definitely one of those, but then as adults we are expected to stay calm even though the fear of needles stays with us. It reduces us to wimpering kids again :blush: I wonder what it is about that small needle that terrifies us so much.

Like most fears they tend to fade with age, I guess by the time you get into your 60s you've had most of the tests you've always feared anyway...routinely lol! These days, when called in for a fasting blood test, to see how my cholesterol levels are doing, i'm more concerned about my stomach waking everyone up in the waiting room than the needle ��

But i'm not trying to be flippant about it, far from it because I know it's a real struggle for alot of people. Just try to stay positive and know that it's better to get the test done than to never know what the problem might or might not be. Hold your arm out and don't look at what's going on, face the wall and scrunch your eyes shut and hum a little tune. ...look square don't care!


14-11-16, 13:28
Hey guys, after having quite a few tests at the hospital today, I figured I'd go all out and have the blood test done afterwards (finally).

I had my Mum with me who can talk for England and luckily enough the phlebotomist was lovely and really understanding. I also made sure I was really well hydrated - it seemed to help... They found the vein very, very quickly and had no problems putting the needle in; in fact, the pain was so minor I barely felt it and it was all over in about 20 seconds... Why was I even worried?! I feel so silly for getting so worked up for the last month!

Thanks again for all the kind words and great advice :) Giving myself a pat on the back haha

14-11-16, 14:09
Woohooo well done.

I do find being really well hydrated makes such a difference and on the whole the hospital phlebotomists are really good.

A wee gold star to you.


14-11-16, 16:36
Great job!

You should give yourself at least about 10 pat-on-the-backs! :)

As you know I felt the same after my blood test back on Tuesday about feeling silly afterwards. Definitely no need to feel silly - it doesn't matter how many times you confront something - it can be scary no matter what - and it's okay to feel like that. I think everyone has some major fears in life; whether it be spiders, clows, needles or anything (we just seem to share a fear of needles). You did a great job going out and doing that today! :winks:

You did great! :hugs::yesyes::flowers: