View Full Version : Asbestos worry again

18-10-16, 21:01
Hi, I thought I was having a better day this morning but as the day has worn on I've felt worse. I'm still panicking about unwittingly pulling up the asbestos tiles and worried I might have hurt my daughter who was in the house at the time. I can't stop playing it over in my head about how I made the wrong choices and I've been feeling sick for over a week solid now with a nervous stomach and so many things have gone badly because of my stupid choices. I haven't had a full on panic attack for such a long time and it's been ages since I felt like this so it's making me feel even more stupid as I didn't want to be back here again. I've been (sort of) managing my symptoms and quietly letting them bubble without too much interference but I fear I may have to actually do something to sort it now. I'd love your advice anyone who knows about this sort of thing.

18-10-16, 21:33
Please don't worry about this. Asbestos is everywhere, every set of lungs is exposed it a bit of it here and there, it's in the pads on our brakes for instance so in a city it's in the air.. what i am saying is tiles usually don't let out large amounts of asbestos anyways, and a one time exposure to the stuff is not going to hurt you. People that used to install it daily of course had different time with it or even people with higher concentrations. There is also about a 40 year delay before it gets you .. so i see you would be con creed about your daughter but in reality she prob didn't get much or any, not enough to do real damage. Many millions of homes had full on vermiculite in attics and kids would play up there, they would store things up there. many many tradespeople had it in their materials, every carpenter or plasterer or what ever... it's still out there. All i am saying is a one time exposure is nothing, and on top of that tiles probe didn't let many fibers out as they are boned up not easily to fluff in air. Just forget about it for real.

18-10-16, 21:36
Thankyou super_freaked, I really appreciate the reassurance, one part of my brain is telling me to let it go and the other part is telling me I'm a total idiot who doesn't deserve to be happy. I take comfort from your kind words so thankyou.

18-10-16, 21:37
anyways as you said "unwillingly" just think about who installed those tiles, everyone that was living in that home at the time, they were cutting those tiles ! maybe they went to other houses for the other 300 jobs.. those people are all fine. You didn't know, next time you know to test materials, but don't cause yourself to get ill with stress about something that has already happened and almost for sure will not result in you or your daughter having any sort of problem.. your stress on the other hand is causing real problems for you now, that will effect your daughter today for real.. so try to never thinking of it it again... it is fine... lungs are tough and full of all sorts of scars and stuff, you should see a set of lungs from living in the major cities in China or even western countries..

18-10-16, 21:39
Thankyou super_freaked, I really appreciate the reassurance, one part of my brain is telling me to let it go and the other part is telling me I'm a total idiot who doesn't deserve to be happy. I take comfort from your kind words so thankyou.

Ignore the part of your brain telling you youre a total idiot.

18-10-16, 21:45
I'm so glad I found this site. Thankyou all.

18-10-16, 21:48
ya a totally idiot is someone that goes up into an attic full of asbestos and removes it with a broom and garbage bags with a paper mask... my friend did this 15 years ago... then my other friend bought his house and went up with a shop vac and a paper mask to clean up the corners he left and after told me how stupid the first friend was.... gees.. I think your supposed to have the vac outside so the exhaust is not inclosed with you, your supposed to have a pink respirator on that is for asbestos, that mask should be leak tested, your supposed to check the pressure in the attic to make sure it's negative, and your supposed to wear suits and have little showers in the attic to get the fibbers off you..... just saying these friends are just the average story of millions of homes and renos, tiles are low risk as the fibers are bonded with other things, it's not loose easy to go airborne asbestos.. your good, you at least didn't know like the millions of men who know but don't protect.