View Full Version : Still can't get over my stupid fear..

Sam Winter
19-10-16, 00:33
I know that you guys might not be able to help i kind of just wanted a hormonal rant if that's okay? basically i have LPR and although i have been reassured a million times that's okay whenever i get a food sensation in my throat or food trying to come back up(like tonight because i tried something different for dinner oops) i just freak out that i'm going to choke, i know i'm probably being silly but choking to death was already one of my worse fears before this came on, i just to be like others again and stop being called stupid or crazy because of my fear but i can't help going into "i'm going to die!" mode when i get a sensation :weep: x

19-10-16, 01:03
Hi Sam! I read your other thread and I'm glad you've signed up for one to one help x, I know that no matter of reassurance can take the fear away but just remember that you've had it longer than me and you're still okay, i feel that anything really bad happening is extremely unlikely, hang on in there till you get your therapy and better tests, they'll make you feel a whole lot better I assure you :) x

19-10-16, 14:23
Getting proper mental health support is the first important thing to do so well done hun x, i know how hard reflux can be especially with a fear of choking to death but i promise you it's fine just try and relax :)

19-10-16, 15:09
Hi Sam :)
I'm not sure what LPR is, but I totally feel for you as I have had a fear of choking/swallowing and acid reflux. I know that it's really horrible and I get the whole panic thing when I feel like there's food in my throat and when I get a tight throat. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this too.
You're definitely not stupid or crazy, its just the anxiety that's making you feel like this. You're not going to die, it's just the anxiety making you think you will. The anxious thoughts are not facts, so you don't have to believe them - don't pay attention to them. The real facts are that you are going to be fine - you're not going to die.
And definitely get yourself some therapy through the NHS, as you can get CBT there that will be great for what you're going through.
Hope this helps :hugs:

Sam Winter
19-10-16, 16:54
Thanks Rosie! signed up for BeMe yesterday and already got a reply to make an appointment tomorrow so yay! haha, LPR is also know as silent reflux its when acid comes up but your undigested food does too which makes the sensations more real unfortunately lol thanks very much :hugs:

19-10-16, 18:12
You're welcome Sam! :) Aww that's great that you've got an appointment already yay!
Ah thanks for informing me about LPR - it doesn't sound very nice, but just keep reminding yourself of the facts that you're not going to die, choke etc...it's just an annoying sensation.

Sam Winter
19-10-16, 19:40
Thanks again Rosie it really helps, hopefully when I start therapy I'll get a little better and stop fearing all my undiagnosed problems haha :) x

Sam Winter
20-10-16, 21:51
Tonights particularly bad, i didn't chew my dinner quite well so i have basically loads still in my throat but i can still breath and have been hours so i should be fine i'm just being a nervous nelly as usual haha x

20-10-16, 22:42
Hi Sam, sorry to hear that you're struggling but please remember and keep telling yourself that it is just an uncomfortable feeling and that nothing bad is going to happen to you. Everytime you get a thought like 'what if I can't breathe/choke etc...' remind yourself that this WON'T happen, because it CAN'T happen. I know it's hard, but you're going to be just fine :hugs:

Sam Winter
20-10-16, 23:09
Hi Sam, sorry to hear that you're struggling but please remember and keep telling yourself that it is just an uncomfortable feeling and that nothing bad is going to happen to you. Everytime you get a thought like 'what if I can't breathe/choke etc...' remind yourself that this WON'T happen, because it CAN'T happen. I know it's hard, but you're going to be just fine :hugs:
I told myself that earlier and i'm feeling better, thanks :)

21-10-16, 19:40
Aw good! I'm glad it helped Sam :)

Sam Winter
23-10-16, 22:54
Aw good! I'm glad it helped Sam :)

Thanks Rosie :) tonight hasn't been so great reflux wise but I'm actually pretty content which is great, distractions are the best lol x

25-10-16, 21:00
That's really good that you're feeling pretty content - I find distraction really helps as well by getting our thoughts away from focusing on our bodies and by doing something else. How are feeling now Sam? x

Sam Winter
28-10-16, 17:47
That's really good that you're feeling pretty content - I find distraction really helps as well by getting our thoughts away from focusing on our bodies and by doing something else. How are feeling now Sam? x
Not so great right now, i haven't had a tablet in ages so my reflux is quite bad and after having pasta for dinner my throat already feels like it never went down, it keeps coming back up and i know it's just my reflux but i still get anxious that one day i'm going to choke :weep: i'm getting there though i just don't know what to do to shake the fear x

03-11-16, 19:24
Sorry about the late reply Sam. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling and I know it's hard but you must keep reminding yourself that you will NOT choke - nothing bad is going to happen to you. I do know what it's like Sam and that it's really hard to shake the fear. It's just the silly anxiety making opinions that aren't true. The true facts are that it's just acid reflux and you are not going to choke from that. Sending you hugs - hope you're ok? :hugs: