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19-10-16, 01:18
I have had serious anxiety in the past and havent experienced it like this in eight years. I am wondering if anyone can help me. It started two weeks ago with constant headaches for about five days in my temples and also was getting pulsating pains in the left side of my head. One night i got into a massive panic amd couldnt calm down for hours and my head felt like it was burning on the left side and was up all night. Then I went to the hospital and they gave me a valium and checked my eyes and mouth and once my heart rate amd bp were normal they sent me on my way. The headaches seemed to go away and i would just get anxious on and off. Thursday i felt like i was getting twinges of numbness or tingles all over my head. Now on Friday i was at work and felt only a bit anxious and suddenly i get a top stabbing pain thru the left of my head. Sent me over the edge and i went into a full panic and could hardly function the rest of the day. Now ever since my head is burning on the left on and off and i get small twinges of pain. Along with that once in awhile i get a burning sensation in my left forearm amd sometimes my left eye feels funny like its hanging or numb or something. Also i have had an awful taste in my mouth for weeks on and off. I am just looking for anyone who might recognize any of this...i have been addicted to google which keeps telling me .....brain tumor and im scared

19-10-16, 01:33
Hello there first off I'm so sorry that you've been having a terrible experience, I know you probably hate receiving this question but have you tried any therapy or medication recently? as it seems anxiety is through the roof :( a lot of this you're feeling could be down to anxiety as it can honestly make things seem worse, of course I am in no position to diagnose so the best I can suggest is to book a doctors appointment and tell them of your frequent headaches and twinges, it can help reassure you, as far as the foul taste is ut bitter? you could be having acid, I know you don't need me to tell you but I'm going to mention it Dr google sucks and would be fired if they really allowed to become a GP, google only brings up the worse diseases incase you have it therefore you can't sue them. my best advice is to stop googling(I know it isn't easy) and to make an appointment just to be sure but I really doubt its anything terrible :) x

19-10-16, 01:49
I actually went to the doctor today. She prescribed xanax and citalopram. She also told me that the taste could be from acid and told me to use omeprazole. She is also sending me for a catscan on my head. I am very anxious and scared and i do remember 8 years ago they had seen a pineal cyst on my brain and keep thinking that has turned into something

19-10-16, 02:03
I'm glad everything is getting sorted out, I know that its really worrying and this is extremely hard but just try and relax until you have the scan I'm sure you will be okay I recently had a similar fear when I had a concussion but I was fine and I'm sure you will be too :)

19-10-16, 02:33
Some of what you are describing sound like ice pick headaches. I was having horrible ones yesterday. I'm on the same meds your dr gave you. They do help me some, but the xanax is definitely the one that works the most. I know how you feel! I am a google crazy person and am always convinced that I have cancer. Please keep us posted, and hang in there!