View Full Version : Desperate for an answer. Joint Pain

19-10-16, 01:47
Hi guys

2 months ago I got my second shot of chicken pox vaccine. I'm not sure if this is related to the vaccine or not but about a week later I got burning painful knees. I went to the doctor and they couldn't find any swelling but they were concerned because both knees were hurting which sounded like a Rheumatoid condition.

I got tested for inflammation in my blood and also got tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Everything was normal.

About a month of knee pain and out of the blue, the knee pain disappeared and now I have joint pain in both hands, and my feet. Sometimes I feel pain in my elbows too. What freaks me out the most is most nights I wake up 3-4 times and feel pain deep in my joints. It almost feel like someone is hammering my joints. Probably the worst pain I have ever felt. No medication works. I have tried different medications and nothing helps with the pain.

I have been to 4 different doctors and no can find out what I have. I know the cause isn't anxiety related but I'm worried it might be something serious like cancer. I'm also worried about Rheumatoid Arthritis because I have heard that some RA doesn't show in blood but you could still have it. But most people with RA get swelling and I don't see any swelling in my joints.

I'm thinking if it's not cancer it might be fibrogalymia but I'm so desperate. I'm getting to a point that I just want a diagnosis even if it's cancer. The anxiety and stress and the depression I'm getting from this stupid joint pain is getting unbearable.

Do you guys have any idea what this might be? I have been feeling sick for the past two months and doctors have no idea what is wrong with me because my blood work is normal.

The symptoms I have now is joint pain, in fingers, knuckles, ankle, and my toes. Worst at night. During the day the pain seems to come and go. I feel a sharp pain in my wrist for example lasting 10-20 seconds and then I feel the same pain in my toes etc.

fibrogalymia is more common in women but I think men can still get it. I'm 26 male.


19-10-16, 07:05
I've had pain in my joints, mainly fingers, shoulders and sometimes my feet. I've been tested for RA twice but nothing shows up. Fibromyalgia has been mentioned. it could also be caused by anxiety. The stress hormones cause inflammation in the body. I've had it for years, on and off and it hasn't got any worse. Try not to focus on the pain. This causes your mind to perceive it as worse than it actually is.

20-10-16, 02:56
I've had pain in my joints, mainly fingers, shoulders and sometimes my feet. I've been tested for RA twice but nothing shows up. Fibromyalgia has been mentioned. it could also be caused by anxiety. The stress hormones cause inflammation in the body. I've had it for years, on and off and it hasn't got any worse. Try not to focus on the pain. This causes your mind to perceive it as worse than it actually is.
I have done a lot of research and my symptoms match with early RA symptoms. A lot of people get no swelling and just joint pain few months before the actual RA flare. I feel like I have RA and soon i will be diagnosed. I'm worried about having to live with the pain for the rest of my life and also the bone deformation caused by RA. I'm only 27 and too young to have to live with this for the rest of my life.