View Full Version : Unable to stop catastrophizing

19-10-16, 12:50
I'm having a horrendous week. Next week, I'm going to the USA with my mother to visit my brother. That alone has me wound up because I'm worrying about getting to the airport on time, remembering what to bring etc. Add to that the fact that my Dad's doctor has taken him OFF his Olanzipine entirely due to a slight hand tremor and now is going to be home alone for almost a full week just a week into coming off it. I know the internet isn't always reliable but from what I've googled, coming off even a small 5mg dose cold turkey isn't recommended and yet his GP, knowing his history and the medication he's on, told him to do just that. There's no point contacting them as Dad won't go back on it now, he's always looking for a reason to come off medication, I can't see him volunteering to go back on it unless he gets very ill.

I can't stop worrying what is going to happen if he has a bad reaction (he has done in the past, gets paranoid and imagines things). I'm at the point now where I'm feeling physically sick with it, shivering, sweating, stomach churning, tension. And all for something that's not happened and may not ever happen i.e. he might be fine while we're away.

I've tried doing my abdominal breathing but even that isn't helping much. At the rate I'm going I'm going to be a nervous wreck by the time the flight takes off and won't be able to enjoy the trip for worrying unless I somehow get a handle on it.

I know from past experience, the panicky feeling lasts a few days, then a sense of calm just descends and I can cope better, it's just not kicking in this time.

19-10-16, 17:24
Like you say, anxiety tends to be episodic, so it should quieten down even if it's been especially bad. Hope it gets better soon.