View Full Version : Lower Back Pain & Discharge

19-10-16, 13:19
Over the last few days I have had really bad lower back pain (to the point that it hurts to just move but lying down is fine) and I've noticed that I have an increase in clear watery discharge. As I am want to do, I am immediately freaking out that it could be cervical cancer. It doesn't hurt when I pee so I don't think it's a urinary infection. I occasionally get twinging like I would before my period too. I thought it might have been a trapped nerve in my back as I've done that before but combined with the discharge, I thought it a bit too coincidental.

I've been taking ibuprofen for several days but it doesn't seem to make all that much difference.

20-10-16, 03:12
It may be due to an ovarian cyst. I've had many, and sometimes the pain would radiate to my back. They typically occur at ovulation (hence the clear watery discharge). Ibuprofen didn't help me either. If the pain doesn't go away, see your doctor. The cysts are nothing to worry about, but they are painful. :hugs: