View Full Version : Muscle weakness that has spread/got worse.. really anxiety??

19-10-16, 13:47
I apologise because I wrote about this in health anxiety, but I am not sure I have made it clear what I mean by this.. I have had weak feeling/shaky legs for nearly 2 years now when I had my baby, but the last few months it started feeling worse, then it was my arms too, then my stomach.. now it's all of them when I move, nod head up and down, my body physically shakes from the exertion. And getting up from lying/slouching position really makes me feel like my body is working so hard)
I've also got very bad anxiety feelings of nervousness currently (due to worrying about all this I think) - I have been stressing about it and also been having some other stressful thoughts in recent times.

I have had various bloods done and a referral to a rheumatologist which isn't for ages yet. I've restarted citalopram today as a last resort really as was wanting to carry on without them.

The thing is this has been getting worse by the day.. can it possibly be stress related?! Today I am pretty much flopping on my bed all day as hubby is home.

19-10-16, 14:09

Obviously I'm no medical professional but from what I've experienced myself with anxiety and panic, it certainly can affect you very much in a physical way. When I had my first ever panic attack, it pretty much lasted a week and I was shivering, sweating, vomiting, it was awful. It's the effects of adrenaline and cortisol rushing around your system. It can make it incredibly hard to function.

So first of all, I'd try to stop worrying that it's anything else, leave that diagnosing to the professionals. Secondly, abdominal breathing helps to fool your body into thinking it's calmed down and some exercise if you can manage anything (even pumping your arms like you're running even if your legs aren't moving) will burn off some of the adrenaline. Just do what you can manage, it will all help. And don't forget to eat, even if you don't feel like it, staying nourished and hydrated really will help you get through this.

Most of all, remember (and I must remember this myself), THIS WILL PASS. You may feel rotten now but it will pass and you will come out the other side perhaps having learnt some coping mechanisms.

Take care,

19-10-16, 17:27
The thing is this has been getting worse by the day.. can it possibly be stress related?!

In a word, yes.

It's wise to get checked on the off chance it's not, but you can get some very pronounced, very 'physical' symptoms from anxiety.

22-10-16, 20:04
Thank you for the replies. It's been making me worry so much, it's basically my whole body -my arms if I reach for something, my body if I bend over -weak and shaky, and I am feeling super fatigued with it and exhausted. My muscles also seem to quiver inside when I'm just at rest in bed, especially in my legs! Literally been in bed loads today and hardly feeling able to do simple things. How long does it take to start getting better from something like this if it's caused by stress? =(

22-10-16, 20:08
If your spending a lot of time in bed or just sitting your muscles will feel weak and shaky. Try to get up and about more :)