View Full Version : Went to doctors about my supraclavicular node(right side)

19-10-16, 13:59
So I went to my usual doctor this morning to get my anxiety medication and got her to feel my right supraclavicular node and she felt it and said it could be due to infection and said she wasn't worried. I didn't fee satisfied with that so I booked with a different doctor for a 2nd opinion about a hour ago.

I flat out told her I'm worried about lung cancer because I've got a cough and some weird weight loss. She asked some questions and said that my chances of not having it are very high due to me being a non smoker and only 29.

She went to feel my node and couldn't feel it. I have to lean forward on my knees Or to sit down and raise my right arm to feel the lump. I just couldn't get it to show which is annoying cause I can now do it! I've noticed when I put my arm down the node pings away somewhere!

She presented right down and she said I do not have a enlarged node as it would be feel abnormal and it didn't to her.

Should I still be worried as I can now feel it if I position my arm a certain way! This is really frustrating!

20-10-16, 14:42

20-10-16, 15:11
Ryan, your doctor has had years of training and knows the difference between a node that is enlarged by infection, to one that is significantly enlarged by something sinister.
You aren't in a high risk category and your doctor has said there is nothing wrong with the nodes.

No, you don't need to worry.

21-10-16, 11:11
I've read that a node in this area is mostly malignant though. This is really causing me problems I nearly walked out of work because of the worry this morning. I'm finding it so hard to relax I'm constantly feeling the node and just preparing to have lung cancer.

22-10-16, 10:39
So I went to my usual doctor this morning to get my anxiety medication and got her to feel my right supraclavicular node and she felt it and said it could be due to infection and said she wasn't worried. I didn't fee satisfied with that so I booked with a different doctor for a 2nd opinion about a hour ago.

I flat out told her I'm worried about lung cancer because I've got a cough and some weird weight loss. She asked some questions and said that my chances of not having it are very high due to me being a non smoker and only 29.

She went to feel my node and couldn't feel it. I have to lean forward and sort of bring my neck closer to my shoulder to feel it sometimes it's easier sitting down as standing it's hard to feel it consistently it's about 1cm or so.

She presented right down and she said I do not have a enlarged node as it would be feel abnormal and it didn't to her as she couldn't find it

Should I still be worried as I can now feel it if I position my arm a certain way! This is really frustrating!

22-10-16, 11:38
Do you know how a doctor feels for lymph nodes? I've read some of it and how you altered your position is actually in the guide for them to access specific ones.

Doctors are trained to search for them and they know what is normal and what isn't - we aren't.

22-10-16, 13:26
Do you know how a doctor feels for lymph nodes? I've read some of it and how you altered your position is actually in the guide for them to access specific ones.

Doctors are trained to search for them and they know what is normal and what isn't - we aren't.

Do you not think I should worry then?

22-10-16, 13:37
Do you not think I should worry then?

I'm not a medical professional but based on the fact that two have told you it's nothing? NO!

Positive thoughts

Captain irrational
22-10-16, 14:23
She went to feel my node and couldn't feel it. I have to lean forward on my knees Or to sit down and raise my right arm to feel the lump. I just couldn't get it to show which is annoying cause I can now do it! I've noticed when I put my arm down the node pings away somewhere!

I would suggest if you need to do some bizarre contortions to even find the node, it's probably very small and likely of no clinical signifcance. And your doctors clearly think this is the case too. Malignant nodes in the neck region tend to make their presence known quite quickly, they don't hide away.

My friend had non-hodgkins lymphoma, he first found a fairly large lump in clavicular area that was clearly visible, it stuck right out, there was no missing it. And it was getting bigger very quickly, after a month it had almost doubled in size.