View Full Version : Can these be panic attack symtoms

19-10-16, 17:42
Hi I've been having wat I think is panic attacks but I'm not sure if they are as I've never felt these symtoms before . My legs go really weak get pains in them my knees ache and get a sharp pain right across the top of my stomach gels like its right under my ribs

19-10-16, 18:00
This is my stock answer to these questions, but I think it's quite apt: Almost anything can be brought on by anxiety.

While having health anxiety focused on my abdomen I used to get pains - some quite acute - in that area. They weren't necessarily when I was consciously worrying, either, but around the same time that I was having these issues. When my anxiety stopped (admittedly before returning with a different focus...) the pains went away.

It's always worth getting checked out, but there's practically no limit to how extreme the physical symptoms generated or heightened by anxiety/panic can be.

19-10-16, 18:16
Are you panicking and then getting the pains? Or getting the pains and then panicking?

Have you seen a Doctor?

19-10-16, 18:38
Thk u both for replying I start feeling quite anxiouse and panicky first then I get them I was at the doctors surgery when the first one happened and my legs were so weak and hurting and felt I was going to passout the doctor checked me over and blood pressure etc was ok and he said it was a panick attack I didn't have the pain across my ribs tho with that one but yesterday when I had one I got the pain under my ribs along side the weakness in my legs and knees .