View Full Version : Back on citalopram after 6 months off 😩

19-10-16, 17:59
Hi everyone,

I have just been put back on citalopram after 6 months of being off it completely. Was taking it for around 2 years including the tapering off. Cannot believe that I have to start up again and so wish I never came off in the first place even though I seemed to be fine again and did it all very slow with Drs advice etc. I have also been prescribed diazepam 2mg to help with the initial worsening anxiety. It's so far not been too bad but only on day 2. The diazepam so help but am only taking that if it gets unbearable as I have four kids to look after whilst going through this.

Last time my anxiety was focused on health issues but although obviously linked this time it is constant thoughts of death and dying. It's not that I think something is wrong this time and that death is around the corner but I cannot stop thinking what's the point in enjoying anything when I am going to die and what if something happens to my kids and they get ill or how would they and myself cope if I came down with something terminal. Even thinking I may live a long life which is good but will still die at the end of it and be apart from my children and other half. It's the most awful thing to think about every day and however much I try to reassure myself that the terminal illness is highly unlikely and death inevitable one day it makes me so sad and distressed. I cannot stop the spiralling thoughts.

The citalopram helped me last time round and sure it will again this time but I just need some reassurance that it should stop these constant thoughts as that's the worst part for me. I really am feeling defeated right now.

Any experience of these types of thoughts or citalopram helping with this would be really appreciated.

Thank you 😥

19-10-16, 18:50
Hi. Sorry to read how you are feeling. I have just switched from Mirtazipine to Citalopram on Monday this week. I am in a Health Anxiety crisis atm. Brain tumour. Hoping the Citalopram will kick in quickly and lessen the dread and fear. I am glad you had good results on these pills before. Everyone has different results from different meds I guess. Good luck x

19-10-16, 19:28
Thanks Andrea15. I am hopeful they will work again I just worry that this feeling of dread about death is so strong that it won't leave me.

I am having good periods of time though mainly in the evenings so maybe I have caught it quick this time and understand it better due to doing this all before. I am usually a very strong person but I cannot stand any type of loss of control which dying is I suppose.

I hope that citalopram works for you and that we will both be on the road to recovery very soon. X

19-10-16, 19:32
Strangely enough I am usually better in the evenings too! X

19-10-16, 21:47

I was on and off citalopram for 12 years and it gave me my life back. I have depression so when it comes back so does the anxiety, mine is mainly health related too. I had a very severe depression in May this year but the dr I saw messed my dosage up so much everything became so much worse. I was put onto Effexor but I'm not tolerating it very well so I'm cross tapering onto escitalopram which I hope will be as effective as citalopram.

I really hope it works for you as soon as possible. X

20-10-16, 07:23
On Citalopram for 2 days and couldn't sleep last night. Took a Zopiclone as Googled this was ok. Slept brokenly. Did Cit affect your sleep? I don't want to be on sleeping pills

20-10-16, 07:46
Debs21uk, it's awful isn't it worrying about our health all the time as it's such a scary thing to be thinking about. Hope you get back on track with the medication soon.

Andrea15, I personally didn't have problems sleeping the first time on citalopram. This time I am finding it a little harder to sleep well but I think it's more the anxiety than the tablets. What time do you take your tablet. I take mine right before I get into bed.

20-10-16, 09:08
Dr told me to take mine in the morning

20-10-16, 10:02
Maybe try taking it at night then. You might find it helps you sleep. X