View Full Version : Update.

Sam Winter
19-10-16, 18:11
Sorry for all the threads these past few days but i've made this thread to keep updating on my so far 2 year journey to finally getting diagnosed, i recently got blood tests for a few things and rang up today to get my results, my blood count came back fine and my thyroid is still being checked but what's currently frustrated me is that a few of the tests were rejected, i'll find out in a few days which ones but i have to redo them and once was enough for me so i probably won't, i'm just really upset right now but hopefully everything will pick up soon x

19-10-16, 21:56
Bear with it, hopefully all the elements will come together for the Health Professionals and you will get to your current diagnosis. From there you'll presumably get better care and be able to access appropriate services.

wishing you well

Sam Winter
31-10-16, 16:36
Thanks very much! the blood test was a dreadful horrific experience i really regretted going but i know it'll be good in the long run, just praying i won't have to again for a very long while :roflmao: