View Full Version : Going to the dr about about anxiety

19-10-16, 19:45
So tomorrow I'm seeing my dr about a few things but mainly my anxiety issues. {double appointment] I've never had anxiety this bad. I feel it slowly decreasing again but I've just had a really bad batch of it and I'm so fed up. I can't do things I used to do cos of it! I've been to the Drs about anxiety before and I've been given beta blockers but they make me feel dizzy. It had CBT years ago. It's got to the point where I want to try an anxiety medication.
I feel so silly and like a failure. Any tips on what I can say or your experiences on medication please? :weep:

19-10-16, 19:57
You're not a failure, you're taking steps to make yourself better and that's an achievement.

19-10-16, 20:01
Thanks washerwoman, that's very kind of you. I just feel jealous of people who can do things and are carefree :(

19-10-16, 20:06
You're definitely not a failure and you're not being silly at all. You're just having a bit of a blip, which we all do sometimes, but we always get through it again. It's really good that you're looking after yourself by going to the dr and seeking help. It would probably do you good by getting some more CBT/therapy and your dr can refer you for that.
You just need to be really honest about how you're feeling and how it is affecting you and your daily life. My dr put me on an anti-depressant SSRI called 'citalopram' which is used for anxiety and panic. I was on 10mg for a month and then I was put up to 20mg and once it kicked in, I felt really good.
Hope this helps :hugs:

19-10-16, 20:15
Thanks Rosie. I do clam up a bit at the Drs and forget to mention major things! I get so stressed just in the waiting room! Great to hear that your meds helped you :) last time I went a dr a few months ago they gave me a leaflet for CBT to refer myself and I felt totally fobbed off, and I was too scared to ring the number for referal!

19-10-16, 20:44
Aw yeah I was the same with regards to clamming up at the drs, so I wrote down all the things I wanted to say and took it with me so I wouldn't forget stuff.
I got leaflet for CBT to refer myself as well and I can understand how you would feel fobbed off by that, but I guess that's how they must do it these days. Please don't be scared to ring the number, as it is going to help you.

19-10-16, 21:54
True, I just found it a bit silly to give it someone with anxiety! I really built myself up to go and I just felt a little deflated. :( I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow x

20-10-16, 14:38
It went well, I feel much more positive. I've decided to give CBT a go, as he properly explained it to me and how it will be beneficial :)

20-10-16, 19:38
I'm glad it went well! :) It's great that you're taking steps towards your recovery and by giving CBT a go. Good to see you feeling much more positive also.

20-10-16, 23:43
I went to my doc for anxiety because my therapist told me it was important to go. Honestly, I didn't expect much - my brother had been in before because he had some anxious issues and got some kind of take-as-needed pill and that was it. I assumed it would be much the same for me.

Anyway, I got there, cried through the appointment (pretty sure I shocked my doc!) and got the take-as-needed pill BUT I also got a follow up appointment for the next week as he suspected it wouldn't help much. It didn't. He then prescribed an SSRI and made an appointment for me with a psychiatrist.

I currently take Lexapro and a bit of clonazepam. I feel better than I did, for sure. I'm not doing so great right now because I'm in a high-stress life phase (graduating and trying to find a job) but I know that once I get settled in something I'm going to be just fine. My HA is all but nonexistent now and I'm handling the life stress better than I would be without the medication too.

It may be helpful if you go in with something written down so that you know what you need to tell your doctor. I know with me, when I'm anxious my memory isn't great, so having notes can help. It will also help your doctor to know what to focus on.

Best of luck. xx

27-10-16, 22:05
Thanks everyone, first appointment is next Thursday!

28-10-16, 02:39
On the contrary, a others have said, you're not a failure. In fact, you're just the opposite as you're actually taking steps to address your anxiety. So many here ask for advice and the answers are often the same.... See your doctor and discuss your anxiety. Therapy and/or meds can and do help! I sought help with depression after my 1st heart attack and bypass surgery. 6 months of therapy and Zoloft got me through a very rough time. I did the same after my cancer. Therapy and CBT techniques and an as needed chill pill helped me tremendously.

You're taking the first step in beating the dragon. Good going!

Positive thoughts

28-10-16, 04:39
Taking action is the first important step--you should be congratulating yourself because many anxiety sufferers spend years just going through the motions, suffering in silence. Taking action now may have saved you a lot of further suffering, Good luck!

30-10-16, 19:27
You are not a failure,you are not well,I am on medication and it does help,unfortunately the side effects are not good at first,as long as you have someone to support u with it until side effects subside,they can make u feel worse before u feel better tho,whatever u decide to do good luck and I really hope u feel better soon:hugs:[COLOR="blue"]

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