View Full Version : Bad Tinnitus

19-10-16, 20:23
Hi I have been experiencing hissing and ringing in left ear for about two months I just put it down to my anxiety another symptom. I finally went to see doc and have been told its not down to my anxiety there is a problem with my ear she made an appointment at my local infirmary there and then whilst I was with her, its a provisional appointment and could be changed when the consultant reads her referral and brought forward as its not till end of November. I hope it is brought forward because its been driving me nuts I get a few days when its quiet and its such a relief but when it starts it brings my anxiety on big time so have to take a diazepam so my recommendation is if you are in any doubt at all about any symptom that you are experiencing see the doc my mistake was thinking its just my anxiety and I have wasted so much time in getting it seen to and endured the awful noise in my ear, but I wont make the same mistake again I wont put everything that I get down to my anxiety I can honestly say I have learnt my lesson.

20-10-16, 14:01
I have exactly the same with the hissing and ringing since May. I always go straight to the docs for lingering symptoms to be checked. I've seen the specialist twice and had hearing test plus MRI. Unfortunately with this there is nothing that can be done, I've been referred to Tinnitus support to help me deal with it. It makes me very anxious and depressed. I had actually known about tinnitus a few years and had anxiety I might get so when I did it's been a bit of a disaster for me.

I put it down to one of these:

A large amount of static suddenly came through a gaming headset
Paroxetine withdrawal
anti biotics
Cold and fluid behind the ear drum
Using noise cancelling headphones at work everyday
Stress of dealing with noisy neighbors and my son

These were all going on before I got it and its impossible to say what has caused it. Some believe it can be a mind body issue. The specialist said I must learn to ignore it to become accustomed to it and avoid thing that make it worse. He said it can just happen and it get stuck on a feedback loop with the brain.

It really pisses me off as I already feared getting it and I really didn't need another chronic condition to deal with. So many people I know have it and deal with it. At first it was just at mornings and evening but obviously I've tuned it to and hear it more often.

Really sorry for the long reply but I feel your pain.

20-10-16, 22:48
Thanks for the reply do you get pain with yours doc said there is a definite difference in my bad ear to my good ear and she had trouble getting the nozzle in to see in fact she had to use a super slim one because it wouldn't go in and when it did it caused me a lot of pain is there a difference between your good ear and your bad ear mine suddenly started after August bank holiday I had mine syringed a few months ago but she had trouble getting the wax out of that ear as she said it was like a black scab stuck to my ear drum so she had to get a more powerful machine that sounded just like a road drill and even then had trouble to remove it so I have wondered if that could have had anything to do with this problem could it have started it off I suppose no one really knows. the ting ting dosent botherme so much its the hissing that causes me distress

21-10-16, 10:48
Did you have the syringing after the hissing started? Sorry can't tell from your post.

Mine started and had it examined, it was full of wax, blocked. Had it removed and it made 0 difference. Whatever the reason it doesn't matter now and I have to look forward. I just don't want to make it worse so I still try to find why its happened.

I do get pain/aches but the ear looks and works fine. Its a problem in the nervous system basically. That ear also feels full and swollen at times but this is all anxiety on top.

Its best to get it all checked as their is so many different causes. I also think mine may have always been there but something has made me aware of it turning up a bit and the cycle has started.

21-10-16, 21:16
I have never had a problem with my ears as such when they were syringed no problem with the right ear at all but difficulty with the left one removing the wax and this is the problem ear. The hissing has been happening since I had it done it was fine before then. When I said to the doc its probably down to my anxiety she said its not an anxiety problem its a physiological problem the left ear is distinctly different to my right one she didn't go into any detail just made the appointment at the ENT department at the hospital and confirmation came through yesterday I am desperately hoping its something they can fix fingers crossed.

---------- Post added at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

I also suggested to doc that I had thought of putting an ear plug in it and she smiled and said theres no way you would get one in that ear

24-10-16, 13:46
I'm not sure what to suggest apart from waiting for the ENT department. To be honest there isn't much they can do apart from therapy and masking.

I know the key to it is not seeing it as a threat and accepting it.

24-10-16, 22:01
yea I know theres nothing that can be done I have been telling myself I have to live with it like so many other people and trying to do the masking and ignoring it as best I can I went on the tinnitus web site and the number of people living with it is astounding so I suppose its support and understanding from my partner and adjusting to a new way of living thanks for your reply

03-11-16, 15:02
Its got a lot better for me with time, sometimes I stop and think oh no its there but then I must tell myself just let it be.

I've been sent for Tinnitus therapy so I'll see what they can offer.

03-11-16, 22:13
I have tinnitus and it is terrifying.

I hear my own heartbeat in my ears and wind/hissing like noise, it isn't a nice experience and I can totally relate to your feelings of fear about it.

For me though mine is anxiety related. I hope you get your appointment soon enough and find some peace.

Good Luck!

04-11-16, 22:18
Hi I've had tinnitus in my left ear for many years due to lots of ear infections and their over zealous syringing out as a teenager. A couple of years ago I took Plantago drops daily for a sinus problems and found the tinnitus also reduced by about 70% sometimes it's not there at all. I took the drops for at least 6 months and the results just kept improving. :) x