View Full Version : Prescription Prices

01-04-07, 12:30

I have just been reading on the news that the Department of Health are making 430million on Prescriptions, and Wales are getting there Prescriptions free. Where does all this money go?.
In the last few months i must have spent over £60 in Prescriptions,
I wondered what you views where on this.



01-04-07, 12:40
when I was on 30mg of citalopram, I went to the chemist with a prescription for 10mg and 20mg. The girl was obviously clued up and told me that I only paid the one charge as there aren't (or weren't) any 30 mg tablets.
The next few times I went, the person tried to charge me for two items but I thankfully had been made wise by the first person, otherwise I would not have argued.
I also get another drug but psychiatrist was only giving me a fortnights supply at a time! I was going to ask for shares in Boots seeing as i spend so much there! however, I pointed this out to psych and he is getting gp to write me a prescription for a months supply.
It drives me batty that a drug we need regualrly, costs so much.

01-04-07, 12:52

I get a pre-payment card that is not much short or £100 a year but worth it to me.

I have to have the blood pressure meds every month so that is £72 a year and then the asthma inhalers - maybe one every 2months (x2) so that is another £72 a year.

What annoys me is the doctor gives me 3 months supply of the blood pressure meds but I still have to pay for 3 separate prescriptions - how mad is that !!!

Then the inhalers - 2 of them at at time and again 2 separate charges.

It may be worth you getting the pre-payment card but it is lot of money to fork out up front but does save you in the end.

01-04-07, 13:02
Thanks for that Nic, the Pre payment card sounds like a good idea.

I probably wont spend £100 pounds a year now i have found the right Med thats helping.
Its just everytime i went to the docs he gave me a 4 weeks supply of a different medication to see which one helped me best. And of course i had to pay for them.
But thanks for that Nic,:) i didnt know you could get a pre payment card.



01-04-07, 13:06
Thanks for that too!

I have worked out that I will be spending at least £160 over the next year, soI can save myself £60. how do you get these Nic?

01-04-07, 13:30
The prescription charging thing is a disgrace.

Because I will always need meds to prevent me against the epilepsy (which I have not had for 25 years) I get them free, and that includes whatever I need, including antibiotics etc. My doc has to review and authorise this exemption every few years.

So it may well be asking your GP, especially if you have another medical condition that may enable you to get a medical exemption.

It is much fairer that taxes should fund free presciptions as the Welsh are now doing.

01-04-07, 13:53
If you go to this website it has the links to pay online or download the form to print off and pay by cheque...


Here is some blurb and the costs..

People who have to pay for more than 5 prescription items in 4 months, or 14 items in 12 months, could save money by buying a PPC. From 1 April 2006, the charge for a single prescription item is £6.65, whereas a 4-month PPC will cost you £34.65 and a 12-month PPC £95.30.

Please note, from 1st July 2007:

you may buy a 12-month PPC by lump sum or 10 monthly Direct Debit payments.
a 3-month PPC costing £26.85 will replace the current 4-month PPC. If you normally buy a 12 month PPC, but would like to change to the Direct Debit option you may wish to buy a 4-month PPC now and a 12 month PPC by Direct Debit later.

Granny Primark
01-04-07, 18:50
I get very annoyed that we have to pay for medications that we are going be on for the rest of out lives. i.e bpressure tablets and other medications.
Ive got no quabbles about paying for other prescriptions.

Take care

01-04-07, 20:51
Wales has always had cheaper prescriptions (£3) but now they are completely free which is wonderful for me cuz I live here but I can imagine how I'd feel if I lived in elsewhere in the UK! It's all down to politics I guess.


01-04-07, 20:54
GG feels very grumbly about all this too.

My husband is on medication for his heart and chronic arthritis and has been medically retired for five years because of it. He is 59.

He pays the yearly subscription otherwise we would not be able to afford all the meds he is on.

Bottom line is, he is paying to stay alive. No meds means he's dead. Sorry to be so blunt but facts is facts, and ther must be many like him.