View Full Version : Effexor to escitalopram

19-10-16, 22:47

Had a bit of a rubbish 6 months with a recurrent episode of depression and anxiety. Was on citalopram but my dr messed with my dosage so off of that I came on to venlafaxine. I am having to cross taper off of that due to not being able to tolerate it, so next up is escitalopram. Started the cross taper 3 days ago so hopefully another two weeks and I will be onto escitalopram and can start to make progress from here.

I'm doing cbt along with the meds and mindfulness so I'm better placed for any future episodes of depression/anxiety. I really hope I start to get somewhere now :wacko:

20-10-16, 06:28
Hope Escitalopram works for you. I've been on it for almost 2 months now,and have been getting on well with it.

20-10-16, 21:00
Thanks Ana! I hope this gets me out of the bad place I've been in, I've already noticed my hair is falling out less and I'm not fainting as much on this so its a good start.

Long way to go but hopefully it'll gradually get better.

Did you feel it helped you quite quickly? I've just read it's onset can be quite quick.

20-10-16, 21:06
I'm sure you'll feel a difference as it's a very good medication. It has significantly shortened the duration of my panic attacks and has helped give me a brighter outlook on life.
Actually, I don't know if this was some kind of a self-suggestion or placebo, but I thought I felt Escitalopram work its magic within 5 days of taking it. However, it took me weeks before I started noticing a real change as it would work intermittently for me. Last week, my doctor upped my dose to 15 mg as I was still having lots of depersonalisation, so I'm hopeful it'll help make it less strong.

21-10-16, 00:53
I really hope so as I've had a tough 6 months. I'm doing a cross taper and only on day 5 and like you say I don't know if it's psychosomatic but I feel a bit different already but that could just be coming off the med that isn't agreeing with me. I know depersonalisation very well, I had that very intense through my first anxiety/depression episode 12 yrs ago. I hope the increase eases it for you.

21-10-16, 10:52
Thank you. I can completely relate to how you're feeling. Keep us updated on your progress :)