View Full Version : How to help someone with anxiety & depression?

Anxiety Jim
19-10-16, 23:43
I went through severe anxiety with moderate depression for a few years, and to a lesser degree still battle with anxiety.

My sister had recently been having weeks / months of work with "stress". And keeps crying saying she doesn't want to feel like this any more etc. She claims to be "about to pass out" frequently.

These are all things I recognise from my struggle. And the doctors seem to agree as she's on venlafaxine (something I was taking). For depression. She also has weekly meetings with a 'counselor'.

I try to listen and comfort her when she said she feels bad, crys etc. But with her saying the same things daily, and not taking my advice (usually tell the doctor how bad it is, she often says her stomach hurts so much she's almost in tears, and a few other physical symptoms), I'm at a complete loss of how to help.

I've explained my struggle to her, how I went through similar things but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

One particular thing she says a little less frequently is 'i can't move'. She seems adamant that she doesn't have the physical capability of moving, but can text me / speak to me to say that. And if I literally pull her up she'll stand, and won't fall over, so obviously can move...

I'm hoping my anxiety is it play fou this boy, but I'm constantly worries that if I make one wrong move in dealing with her that she'll commit suicide. She constantly makes references to wanting is (family) to "poison" her or "put her down".

Sorry for the rambling, this whole ordeal has brought my anxiety right up to the surface.

Any help, would be greatly appreciated!

20-10-16, 09:47
It's an incredibly tough situation Jim. Don't put pressure on yourself. Just be supportive, and listen. Be a comforting person to be around. (I'm sure you already are.)

Get advice from the professionals. Is there a way you could talk to her doctor or counselor to express your concern? I'd read lots too.

That's all I can suggest. Get expert advice!

20-10-16, 09:57
Hi Jim,

It must be so difficult trying to help someone when it's making all of your own problems re-emerge as well.

If you can, I'd contact her GP or counsellor and tell them how worried you are. I've done this in the past with my Dad (who has depression) and I've found that if you write to them (or email) they can't really ignore you, it's there then in black and white that you've expressed concern and they should follow up on it.

Aside from that all you can do is what you have been doing, listen, comfort, reassure her that things will improve. And look after yourself, if you're not well then you won't be able to help your sister so you must take care of yourself too.
