View Full Version : Recurring Anxiety when I start something new

20-10-16, 05:46

Most of the time, I don't have any anxiety symptoms - at least not excessive ones. However, after my first bout of anxiety a few years ago, every time I start something new, like a job or school, my anxiety will be triggered and I will be brought back to that dark place.

It is hard because most of the time I feel fine, and am confident heading into something new. However, as soon as the anxiety crops up, it quickly spirals out of control and I have had to leave jobs, school etc. I find it almost impossible to deal with once it is really bad because my mind races so quickly I can't calm down for even a second. I become exhausted, can't sleep and see the only way out as quitting what ever I am doing.. Then I return to my labour job and slowly things return to normal until I am ready to try something new the next year and the cycle continues....

Anyone else have a similar experience?

20-10-16, 09:52
I think it's pretty normal to have anxiety when changing jobs, etc. Have you ever sought help in coping with the anxiety? CBT can help to manage our reactions to such situations and may be the key to getting you past that initial anxiety filled phase that you can't cope with just yet. Heightened anxiety like that does pass but sometimes it's a struggle to truly believe that when we're in the midst of it.

20-10-16, 10:10
Yes, its natural to have some anxiety with big life changes.

But you have to accept that, and manage it. It's how we grow as people in life.

Some people push against it and expand their comfort zone to lead more varied lives. Some people let it control them, and they remain stuck.

So don't let it beat you. See your doctor and they might be able to prescribe something like a beta-blocker to take on days when it gets overwhelming.

Stay strong, and good luck!

21-10-16, 05:33
Thanks for the reply's. Yes, I've done some counselling and also taken sertraline. It definitely all stems from my first major attack, where I pretty much had a mental breakdown. Now, when I start to get stressed and 'feel those feelings' my mind can start going so fast, it's hard to catch it ahead of time to slow it down.

21-10-16, 23:38

Most of the time, I don't have any anxiety symptoms - at least not excessive ones. However, after my first bout of anxiety a few years ago, every time I start something new, like a job or school, my anxiety will be triggered and I will be brought back to that dark place.

It is hard because most of the time I feel fine, and am confident heading into something new. However, as soon as the anxiety crops up, it quickly spirals out of control and I have had to leave jobs, school etc. I find it almost impossible to deal with once it is really bad because my mind races so quickly I can't calm down for even a second. I become exhausted, can't sleep and see the only way out as quitting what ever I am doing.. Then I return to my labour job and slowly things return to normal until I am ready to try something new the next year and the cycle continues....

Anyone else have a similar experience?

My anxiety gets very bad when I'm faced with a new situation for example when I bought my car my anxiety went through the roof, when I got my job a few years, again my anxiety went through the roof. With me it's like there are times when I'm fine and can be confident and motivated to change or to do something but when the time comes to actually doing it my anxiety becomes sky high and it can make me somethimes become depressed to the point where I don't sleep. My mind will be racing with really silly thoughts and there is nothing that I can do to get rid of them.

Its called anticipation anxiety where a person gets an increase in anxiety in an event or situation that is going to take place such as a new job, new car, new house, new school and so forth. Once you quit, the anxiety lessens to a point where it goes away and you get back to normal and then you think to yourself, lets have a change and then when you do this change, the anxiety then returns. It's like a vicious cycle.

The way forward is to not let the anxiety ruin your change and to find ways in which to deal with and combat the anxiety which can be done through therapy. You're always going to have some degree of anxiety in going into a new situation but if it's get to the point where it's bad enough that it's affecting your daily life then you really do need to have some sort of help, to help you deal with any change in your life.