View Full Version : Should I be worried about other half...? Need advice!

20-10-16, 09:18
Last weekend, my other half woke through the night with a really painful stomach cramp. He couldn't sleep with it or get comfortable but eventually it calmed down a bit. Since then (Saturday) he has had what he describes as muscle pain in and around his stomach. He's eating fine and everything but having to take painkillers to keep it at bay.
Last night before bed he took 2 30mg Co-Codemol.
Half past midnight I'm woken up to say he wet himself (He is 35 and never had this happen before). He was in a bit of a cold sweat and said he had been dreaming that he was peeing and then he woke up!

He is refusing to go to the doctor as he said he feels fine and it wasn't as if he just lost bladder control, he was dreaming it.
I was a mess last night and was up all night worrying about him!
I checked him about 2 hours later and he was sweating again. (We got a new bed 2 days and the duvet is really thick and heavy)

Should I push him to see the doctor?
Thanks for taking the time to read this! x

20-10-16, 09:38
Could be a problem with the duvet being thick and heavy? he has got a cold.

I know is very hard to worry, Dont Google symptoms

I think sometimes people are scared of visiting to the doctors and what the GP may find

20-10-16, 09:39
Ask him to think back prior to the first aches and pains and remember if he did anything like lifting something heavy/physical activity that might have caused him to strain some muscles. If the pain continues encourage him to see a doctor as they will quickly rule out anything more worrying. Possibly get a thinner duvet as that might be causing him to get too hot, it seems colder now but in bed some people don't need much cover before they overheat. You might have to wear thicker pyjamas. All the best

20-10-16, 09:41
It was the bed wetting that frightened me more than anything else!
I'm going to convince him to see a doctor. No harm in him going!
He's not had a cold or anything, he's not done any sort of straining that I can recall either.


20-10-16, 15:33
Convinced him to the see the doctor and managed to get a cancellation for 5:30pm tonight! I'm so nervous and he's totally fine. :(

20-10-16, 15:46
Hope it goes ok x

21-10-16, 09:54
Doctor wasn't concerned about the bed-wetting. He had a poke and prod around his stomach and gave him Omprezole(sp) to take.
I'm still not convinced the bed-wetting is nothing. Last night, he had to get up 3 times before 1am to use the bathroom (He said it'll be because he was anxious about it), but they were 3 big pee's as he'd drunk juice before bed.
The sweating hasn't subsided - but I woke up also through the night with a noticeable sweat so probably should put that down to the new bedding!

21-10-16, 11:04
I got new bedding on as well, i been coughing quite a bit during the night, however I am suffering from cold, never happened before with new bedding.

Tip make sure he drinks less before going to bed

21-10-16, 18:13
He is going to limit what he is drinking before bed. Just can't shake that something just isn't right.

22-10-16, 15:58
Aaah god! So last night he had such a bad night sweat. Even the duvet was wet! Pain in stomach isn't shifting either.

I googled (I had to!!!) and he has so many symptoms of leukaemia! **** I am so upset.

22-10-16, 17:48
I know you are worried Mrschurchill. If you are still worried asked him to go back and see another GP.

Please dont Google MrsChurchill I got myself in a tiss because I thought I had oral cancer until I went to the dentist and she checked my gum, not cancer any all.

22-10-16, 17:59
My stomach is in knots. Really panicking at the this.

22-10-16, 18:58
Aaah god! So last night he had such a bad night sweat. Even the duvet was wet! Pain in stomach isn't shifting either.

I googled (I had to!!!) and he has so many symptoms of leukaemia! **** I am so upset.

If he has leukaemia there would be more symptoms and he will will be very ill (looking at the past threads on about people with this concern)

23-10-16, 16:53
Also I am starting to think prostate infection or wet dream? may be possible for his age.

23-10-16, 18:14
Also I am starting to think prostate infection or wet dream?.

Um I don't think "wet dream" means what you think it means!

A one-off bed-wet really isn't something to worry about, especially if it's linked to a dream. These things happen. He's probably embarrased and over-paranoid about going to sleep with a full bladder hence the more frequent trips.

23-10-16, 20:30
Well... last night we ended up in A&E. He was suffering from chest pain and was quite scared. Had to get my wee girl up and out of bed at 11pm and dropped off with my parents.
Long story short... ECG normal, chest X-ray normal. Bloods showed a slight infection somewhere so was given amoxicillin to take and high dose painkillers. Even an hour later... the difference in him was incredible! And today he's been miles better than any day last week! Feeling thankful that it's not something more serious. Even the doctor seemed worried when we went in, they were thinking possible Gallstones!
Can breath and sleep easy! Xx

23-10-16, 20:39
Well... last night we ended up in A&E. He was suffering from chest pain and was quite scared. Had to get my wee girl up and out of bed at 11pm and dropped off with my parents.
Long story short... ECG normal, chest X-ray normal. Bloods showed a slight infection somewhere so was given amoxicillin to take and high dose painkillers. Even an hour later... the difference in him was incredible! And today he's been miles better than any day last week! Feeling thankful that it's not something more serious. Even the doctor seemed worried when we went in, they were thinking possible Gallstones!
Can breath and sleep easy! Xx

Great to hear! Glad all's ended well and hope your OH is at full strength soon. Always nice for us on here to get a reminder that even when people have weird and odd symptoms, and are feeling s****y, it's usually something mundane and easily fixed. But I know from experience how worrying trips to A&E are.

23-10-16, 21:25

He's currently laughing away at the TV, which he couldn't do for the past week dues to the pain!

23-10-16, 21:30
so nothing sinister

24-10-16, 12:29
By the looks of if No! He didn't have any night sweat either last night and the doctor said the antibiotics should stop them!

---------- Post added at 12:29 ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 ----------

He's still a bit sore and uncomfortable... but only had 1 day of antibiotics so should be expected it won't disappear straightway?

24-10-16, 14:51
Antibiotics sometimes take a week or so to kick in.

24-10-16, 15:01
Just difficult to shake the anxious feeling. Was doing so well yesterday to! I think because they didn't say which type of infection it was... just wish I knew for definite! He's totally unfazed by it now and I'm still a wreck asking him every 30 mins if he is ok!

24-10-16, 22:12
Offt. Just got home from work and graham was in bits! Had another 'attack' as we are calling them and had to phone his mum and Dad to come down as he had Iona in the house. He was just upset that Iona was alone with him in case something happened.
He ate peri peri food.... 😑 took an omprezole and it calmed it down so we definitely know it's acid.
Going to go back to doctor tomorrow morning and request a private referral to see a gastro.
First time I've seen him cry in the 7 years we've been together! For once I'm actually keeping it together for him xx