View Full Version : Scared of liver cancer

20-10-16, 19:06
So for the past month or so I thought I had appendicitis ended up at the doctors and she said nothing was inflamed or anything and maybe I had a bug, however I got the pain bCk no where near as bad about a week later, it's like a dull ache in my lower right side. I know I may be over reacting but I'm scared I have liver cancer.
My uncle is dying from liver cancer as well as bowel cancer and he's 64.
He's been battling 5 years now and it's now the time where he's been given months to live :( and I'm scared I have it now.

I know I am young at 15, but I have seen my great grandma die for breast cancer (we arnt related by blood as my grandad is my step grandad) + my uncle is just my grandads best friend but he's been like a dad to me since I was born so I class him as my uncle.

Gary A
20-10-16, 19:24
At 15 you have virtually zero chance of developing liver cancer. Also, your pain did come back but it was, as you said, "nowhere near as bad."

Cancer doesn't get better on its own, if your original pain were being caused by liver cancer, the pain would have been just as bad, if not worse, right now.

You don't have liver cancer. You've simply developed an irrational fear because you're witnessing people with the disease. That's not really that unusual, but try to recognise that any fear you have is simply brought on by what you're witnessing.

20-10-16, 19:38
I agree with Gary

Get some help, You mention you been to the GP/doctors who would have ruled out something and would have sent you for tests

21-10-16, 01:27
Bearing witness to loved ones battling cancer brings the spectre of your own mortality into focus, doesn’t it?

Recognize that it’s your anxiety that’s operating here, which is very common in young people experiencing what you’ve been experiencing. You’re too young to get liver cancer--you’re more likely to get hit by a meteor than get that kind of diagnosis.