View Full Version : Freaking out so bad

20-10-16, 22:07
I know I've posted a lot and it doesn't look good but I genuinely would appreciate any re assurance here even if it's a telling off!

I did a post recently about finding small purple burst blood vessels along my ribs. I was checking today to see if they'd gone yet and I found 5 very tiny bright red dots on my belly, they are like blood dots but not raised they are flat and about the size of a pin head.

They are near my ribs and further down belly, not sore or itchy or raised, looks like I've been pricked with a pin so to speak. Anyway I googled and didn't get a chance to really read because I freaked out after seeing bad things including leukaemia :-(

I know how silly I sound I really do, but I'm so upset after seeing those purple vessel things and now these blood dots I don't know what it could be. I'm calling docs in morning as if you've saw my other posts I've been having a few other unusual symptoms as it seems my monthly cycle is up the wall. Hoping there is a non scary explanation to this related to hormones or something but all I saw was bad stuff to do with the blood not clotting properly.

Someone talk some sense into me.

P.S it's not a rash or spots it's actually a tiny dot of blood, best way I can explain it

20-10-16, 22:18
I get these from time to time. I had one on my neck a few days ago, one on my eyelid last week (I've never had them there before) and a circle of them on my shoulder at the moment (I think it's from my bra strap rubbing).

I also get random ones on my arm and (tmi alert) quite often get them around my groin where my underwear rubs.

They used to absolutely terrify me and even now when I get multiple ones or a large one I get that sickly feeling right in the pit of my stomach but I don't think they are anything to worry about.

I've been to the GP about these in the past and he even showed me what it would look like for them to be worrying and it was unmistakable and hideous to look at. I was told they were normal. Mine usually disappear in about 2-4 days.

Unless you're describing cherry angioma which from what I know are permanent but completely harmless (I also have these, mostly on my upper arms).

Hope you find comfort at the doctors.

20-10-16, 22:27
Sounds like what my dermatologist refers to as age spots (mentioned above by other poster. Cherry Angioma). I've got them on my back. I was just at the derm this week for my yearly skin check.

20-10-16, 22:42
Thank you both! I've really been a mess tonight none stop crying feel like a right idiot.

They're not raised at all and very very small literally someone has poked me with red ink in a few places. My partner said it's definitely like a blood blister but not raised. They don't go with a glass pressed on them. Ive saw similar posts online but it's hard to tell if people are talking about the same thing over the internet I suppose.

Thinking worst possible cause as always.

21-10-16, 01:20
Kate, you will be in a world of hurt going forward if you continue to catastrophize every single thing that happens to your body. What IF the feared thing was, in fact. serious? Just let yourself go there for a moment. It could happen. It could happen, and you know what? You would cope. Like the millions of people who cope with illness every day, and live happy lives.

Have some faith in your own ability to deal.

21-10-16, 09:50
I've got them too KatiePink. :hugs:

They started to appear about 8 years ago. Some are small, others are bigger, some in clusters, mostly on my torso and arms. I was told they are harmless. x

21-10-16, 12:31
Thanks everyone.

I've seen my GP this morning, told him how i've been feeling this past 2 weeks and showed him these red dots that have appeared ect, he asked me what i was fearing so i told him the truth Leukemia ect

He's ordered blood tests to be done next Wednesday, a full blood count, bone profile, FSH/LH, Hepatic profile, Prolactin, Renal profile, TFT

He has said he understands why i fear these things especially after checking online. He said from what you have told me i am not convinced it's anything you have said, and think there's a few things at play(hormonal)

He said i've ordered these tests to rule out everything, but obviously i'm thinking 'there must be a chance i have leukemia' freaking out. The Priority on the tests is routine and he didn't seem overly concerned but did say that he thinks something is out of whack.

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

Ok so just checked for other causes of petechiae other than leukemia! Hoping it's a vitamin deficiency that i can get sorted, but with me feeling unwell last two weeks i'm worried sick. Nothing i can do until blood tests so really no point in me stressing, going to do my best to relax this evening because i've actually managed to get my partner worrying which never happens as he's used to me :lac: :weep:

There are many possible causes of petechiae. Common causes include:
injury or trauma
allergic reactions to medications
autoimmune disorders, which are conditions in which the person's body creates antibodies to its own tissues for unknown reasons
liver disorders, such as cirrhosis
infections, such as mononucleosis and endocarditis
bone marrow disorders, such as leukemia
thrombocytopenia, a deficiency of platelets
nutritional deficiencies, such as a deficiency in vitamins C, K, or B12, or folic acid
medications, such as blood thinners
recent blood transfusions
medical treatment, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy for cancer
birth, due to the pressure changes caused by vaginal delivery
aging skin
sepsis, or blood infection

21-10-16, 13:37
Katie, just to try to counter your worries, over the past few months:

- I've had brain scans to check for a tumour or other neuro conditions. Nothing was wrong.
- I've been referred to a dermatologist for an urgent consultation as my GP suspected skin cancer. Nothing was wrong.
- I've been referred by my GP to a neurologist to discuss the possibility of epilepsy. Nothing was wrong.
- Had blood tests to check for cancers and diabetes. Nothing was wrong.
- Been told to get my eyes tested by my GP. Nothing was wrong.

My point is that GPs often send you for further tests just to categorically rule things out. It doesn't help with anxiety (at least until you get the results), but it doesn't mean anything is actually wrong. It's just a GP being as thorough as possible.

21-10-16, 15:10
Katie, just to try to counter your worries, over the past few months:

- I've had brain scans to check for a tumour or other neuro conditions. Nothing was wrong.
- I've been referred to a dermatologist for an urgent consultation as my GP suspected skin cancer. Nothing was wrong.
- I've been referred by my GP to a neurologist to discuss the possibility of epilepsy. Nothing was wrong.
- Had blood tests to check for cancers and diabetes. Nothing was wrong.
- Been told to get my eyes tested by my GP. Nothing was wrong.

My point is that GPs often send you for further tests just to categorically rule things out. It doesn't help with anxiety (at least until you get the results), but it doesn't mean anything is actually wrong. It's just a GP being as thorough as possible.

Thanks Server - I know as you say he's being thorough which is good and he did say based on what i've said he doesn't believe it's what i'm thinking, but because i've presented which these spots and saying i've not been feeling well he has to do all blood tests. I think he's more leaning towards a hormonal issue.

For someone with health anxiety seeing these petechiae or whatever they are and knowing they're linked to leukemia is just the worst and again i should have never googled!
Got a lot going on this weekend with family events am not going to let this ruin it, i'll try and stay nice and bust to keep my mind occupied.

24-10-16, 15:58
A lot more have appeared over the weekend as well as small light brown circles, that look like freckles but a lot lot lighter. These blood tests can't come quick enough :weep:

24-10-16, 16:08
'Petechiae' is very, very common.

I have them, my partner has them, my mum has them, her sister's have them, my friends have them. Please don' over obsess over these. I have had them and they disappear as well. Medication can also cause these and I've had mine for about 10 years. x

24-10-16, 16:22
Yeah, it's nothing to worry about.

When I had my skin worries a couple of months back, I felt like I was breaking out in lesions and blemishes. I constantly felt like things were changing and I thought I was spotting new things all the time.

Your perception is probably off due to your intense worry and focus on this issue. Remember - skin does change, sometimes rapidly. You'll be fine.

24-10-16, 16:39
Thank you both so much that's helped me. Just had a moment of realisation, I am catastophizing everything.

It's such a hard place to be. I know my perception is way off because my partner is convinced that the 'new' things I'm seeing are not new at all.

It's only the petechiae or blood dots that are actually appearing, but instead of waiting for my bloods I'm trying to diagnose myself which is just daft!

I'm obviously linking it to the worst possible causes and not the most likely, I can see what I'm doing on reflection but I feel stuck.

On a positive I did go to the family event and had a great night, generally I feel okay. So I'm not 'sick' even though I keep telling myself that.


24-10-16, 19:09
How are you now Katie?

25-10-16, 01:32
How are you now Katie?

Feeling much better Tracey thankyou xx

In a way I'm glad I'm having all these bloods done as I've never had this much blood work, I have been thinking that I may have a hormonal problem and or deficiencies for a while so it's about time it was all checked i suppose, and you never know something could be contributing to my anxiety/depression.

25-10-16, 06:01
all the best take care, i dont think anthing abnormal i sthere

25-10-16, 08:07
I had a full blood test and it was a matter of if this all comes back negative then I need to accept it's all in my head. Mine were all normal.
Good luck for tour results, use them to move forward.

26-10-16, 12:19
Had my bloods taken today, usually a nightmare to get blood from me but drank a lot of water prior and was much easier, although I did nearly have a panic attack because I saw one of the tubes and my blood looked dark brown, nurse assured me it was fine :blush:

I shall update with the results seeing as I've posted so much about it :roflmao:

28-10-16, 18:04
Struggling tonight unfortunately. If it wasn't for some ancient posts i found on here google would have me convinced i was dying.

The latest in my strange few weeks is my veins are so much more noticeable/prominent, my partner agrees but isn't concerned. My arms and hips especially they are bright blue i look like a map lol

I have failed myself and have continued googling causes of petechiae and hormonal issues ect, can't say it's helped at all! A few posts were re assuring as other people had a break out and bloods came back fine, but it never re assures you for long does it.

31-10-16, 19:09
Had bloods done Wednesday just gone, not had any calls yet so hoping that means it's nothing too serious.

31-10-16, 19:25
I doubt you'd still be waiting if there was a serious issue.

31-10-16, 22:09
I doubt you'd still be waiting if there was a serious issue.

Yep that's what I'm thinking. Started my new job today which has really helped me, it's the first day I've gone without checking myself in a long time because been so distracted!

02-11-16, 15:09
Caller the doctors today, they said all bloods came back NORMAL!!! Wooooo

I had a full blood count, bone profile, FSH/LH, Hepatic profile, Prolactin, Renal profile, TFT..

So I think it's safe to say there's nothing bad going on at all! Not even a hormonal imbalance :roflmao:

It's been a very strange few weeks but I'm so glad I got them bloods done, onwards & upwards now

02-11-16, 15:12
Congrats. :)

02-11-16, 15:37
Not remotely surprised. Hope you're able to use this to help in the future. All you have is a superficial skin blemish.

Congrats on the healthy blood! But don't tell Dracula.

02-11-16, 16:15
Thank you! Feels strange to be congratulated for having healthy blood haha!

I'm definitely using these results as a starting point, I've noticed massive improvements in my general health, hardly any neck tension or fatigue since starting my job on Monday!

I really feel that this is the start for me and the best thing I could have ever done holding out for a job I actually want. I can actually say I feel excited for the future and I haven't felt that in a long time.

02-11-16, 16:38
That's good to hear KatiePink :-)

02-11-16, 16:51
Lovely to read. Inspiring for someone in my current position, as well.

02-11-16, 18:15
Thanks KeeKee :hugs:

HA has always been my biggest challenge. Although I have some mild general/social anxiety its health anxiety that has wasted so much of my time and caused the most stress,

I developed really bad work anxiety last year, I've always had it to an extent but it peaked last year leaving me out of work for 8 months. During that time my health anxiety/depression spiralled. In all honesty it's been hell, not just emotionally but physically and financially!

When I was going through all that, if someone had of told me that I would be in the job i'm in now, and feel how I feel now theres no way I could have believed it! And that's because when you're in such a shitty place it's extremely difficult to see any good or any possibilities.

Technically speaking not much has changed in my life, just a job I like, and it's changed my whole mindset! Now that's not an option or the answer for everyone, I mean I still have anxiety, but I really think it proves that no matter how we feel or what we believe things CAN change, and very quickly.

This is something I've learnt a fair few times in my life but I think I've now finally took it in, that we really don't know what's around the corner, but that's not a bad thing!
So if I ever get in a bad place again, things do go wrong that's life, I hope and am more confident that I can go through it with a more positive mind.
