View Full Version : Panic in Dallas TX

20-10-16, 22:22
Hello all,

I came across this forum because I'm thinking of ordering an online cbt4panic product and their website said this one endorsed it. Anyone use this with success? I'm hoping to stop my frequent trips to the ER or if not at least read about other people's miserable experiences with panic to make me feel a little better. Also has anyone had the drug Geodon? They wanted to give it to me at ER early this morning (I was violently shaking) but I refused since the shaking stopped after awhile. Maybe I should have tried it as today has been a beast with my body anticipating another attack around every corner. It's a little better now hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight and not be violently awoken again by another one.

My life continues to unravel because of these attacks. I'm making a little progress through therapy but not nearly fast enough. My life is confined to a couple mile radius near this hospital, sometimes I sleep in the parking lot if I'm having an especially bad night eventhough I live 4 minutes away. It seems crazy I know, but the thought of the 1 minute walk to my car with crushing chest pain every step wondering if this will be my last step is sometimes enough to just say screw it so I sleep like a baby in my car. I tried the celexa once and it set fire to my brain, but maybe I'll have to go try the drug route again because this is ridiculous. Enough of my bitching, hello from Dallas.

20-10-16, 22:35
Hiya BurritoJimmy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: