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View Full Version : Constant heart palpitations

21-10-16, 02:42
Hi everyone!

I'm realllllly freaking out right now. I weaned off of my Prozac (40mg) completely about a week or so ago and I am getting what I think is palpitations, but I'm not sure. It's been horrible the past few days and it's honestly scaring the crap out of me :/ this feeling is constant. I can't stop checking my pulse on my neck. I'm so scared I'm about to drop dead. It's more when I'm walking or turn my head that these occur. Please someone help me out :( does anyone else experience this? I've cut out alcohol and I did have caffeine today but will no longer be consuming that starting now. I am also going to start drinking more water. Please, guys, I could really use some comfort right now. Ok afraid to even sleep fearing I won't wake up. Thank you. :(

Ps- I don't even know if these are palpitations cause my pulse doesn't really feel weird. It's just mainly when I turn my head/neck, i get this weird sensation in my left chest and it freeeeaks me out.

21-10-16, 03:45
Hi HockeyGirl

I know palpitations are frightening. Do you mean heart beating fast or skipped beats or irregular beats?

How long did you take to come off of prozac? If you came off too quickly, that can cause anxiety symptoms. Did you come off of them on your own or with the doctors help?

My heart is all over the place most times! Breathing and heart are my worst symptoms.

21-10-16, 04:54
Honestly I don't quite know how to describe it because this is a new feeling for me... I've had palps in the past but I don't know if this is what that is. But if I had to guess, maybe a feeling of skipped beats? It's actually calmed down quite a bit now that I've drank water. I have not been drinking much at all and I bet that's playing a huge role in whatever this is. Also, I tried going off of Prozac one time before, I believe this past winter/early spring, with my doctors alproval and guidance, and felt like I needed to go back on it right away. So this time I just told myself I'm going off of it regardless. It made me gain weight and I honestly feel like I just don't need it anymore. So I told my doctor, she advised against it but I did it anyway, following the same rules as last time when weaning off, so I went from 40mg to 20 and stuck on 20 for probably a week and a half. Then I went down to 10mg for like a week and about a week or so ago, I stopped completely. I've been feeling
Withdrawal effects.

21-10-16, 16:47
I'm having some skipped beats right now myself, I think mine are caused by stress. They don't really make me feel any different at all, I just feel the skipped beat itself, and it makes me a little anxious. Everything I've read says they're completely benign as long as you don't have heart disease; so try not to worry if at all possible.

22-10-16, 02:18
Stop checking your pulse... that is just fueling the anxiety.

22-10-16, 03:34
Stop checking your pulse... that is just fueling the anxiety.

I've been doing better about not checking my pulse today. It just freaks me out mainly because even if I turn my head/neck I get a palp. :/