View Full Version : a bit about myself

01-04-07, 14:38
Hi All
I'm new onto this group. I have joined mainly to see if I can get any information to help out a friend of mine. I've known that she suffers from panic attacks and depressive illness but i didn't really know to what extent until Mothers day when i received a phone call from her. She was at her absolute lowest and didn't know where to turn to. Her parents were with her trying to help her and her children but they had never seen her quite this bad. So with no other ideas her dad and i took her to the local A&E department where we waited for 9 hours to see an on call psychiatrist. It was worth the wait though as she now has a point of contact should anything this bad happen to her again and she is now being followed up by the psychiatric team amd her GP who are all now singing from the same hymn sheet.
What I was looking for on here were to hear other peoples stories and the things that have helped them so as a none sufferer I might have a little better insight into what my friend is actually going through and ways I might be able to help.
Thanks for reading this

01-04-07, 14:53
Hi Julie

And Welcome to NMP.:) I hope we can be of some help.

How lucky your friend is to have someone as caring as you:) , I hope this site can help you both.
You could take a look at the "First Steps" "Symptoms" and " How to Cope" Pages that are situated on the left hand side of the page, im sure you will find them of interest.

Love and Hugs:hugs:


01-04-07, 15:50
Hi Juliet

Lovely to see you here. How are you, hubby and the boys doing ?

I think it is great that you are there to support her and if you can learn some coping techniques for her then even better.

You can always call me if you want a chat about it. Alex doesn't go on the radio much nowadays but you have our number I am sure.

Take care.