View Full Version : Why did this have to happen?

21-10-16, 08:07
I woke up this morning with a bit of a bloody taste in my mouth as it was quite strong i thought i would investigate so i put my fingers in the back of my throat just behind the uvula and there was quite a but of blood when i took it out about the length of my finger and the width of 2 toothpicks. This made me freak out and now im really worried. It feels like a nosebleed but further back and now ive just had a bit of blood in my mucus and im scared its some sort of cancer between the throat and nose🙁🙁🙁

21-10-16, 08:12
Get it checked out by a medic Jamie, no point in asking us. But prodding about in the back of the throat would never end well... Let us know when you've done it. :)

31-10-16, 21:49
I didnt do it as during the day I had 3 nose bleeds so I assumed it was that as it doesnt happen often hopefully its ok from now on.