View Full Version : costochondritis sufferers

21-10-16, 09:59
anybody else have this?

will keep it brief but have lots to write!

anxiety and panic attacks started in 2012 as I had a health problem after my son was born and eventually I developed a very specific health anxiety about it which made me unwell for about 2 years. When this problem went away so did my HA and I was fine for a while. this year my anxiety has returned as have the panic attacks.

the main physical symptom of my anxiety and panic attacks has always been chest pain, though I do get the palpitations and other horrible stuff we all suffer with. it was the same during the period I was mentally unwell and its been the same this year. The psychiatrist said I have now developed HA over heart problems which I suppose is true as the amount and type of pain I get...Im sure you all know what I mean, you kinda cant help getting freaked out about your heart! However my therapist has suggested this bout of anxiety is just an after effect of being so unwell for so long with HA (I did have a nervous breakdown in 2013) plus everything else I have endured in recent years including childbirth, and 3 family deaths,and I have just become a very anxious person and amt not coping in general so my anxiety is now more GAD. Makes sense. Drs have also told me I am incredibly sensitive to hormone fluctuations... during the 2 years I was unwell I had the mirena coil which could have been a major contributor to my anxiety (I think it was IMO). Now that its gone my anxiety/panic attacks come in cluster periods almost always around ovulation and my period. So again makes sense.

I have wound up in hospital 3 times this year with chest pain, one of those times sent in an ambulance by my GP who thought I was having a heart attack. Every blood test, every ECG, every chest xray clear. Everythings fine and the A&E dr told me this week I had been tested for quite a few "heart nasties" as well as pulmonary embolism. All good, my heart is 100% healthy.

What she did say is that I have muscular-skeletal pain, namely costrochondritis which she says has been caused by years of anxiety and panic which in itself causes muscle tension and chest pain. I had never heard of it, but oh my it hurts! Apparently it can come in cluster attacks after being triggered, which is sometimes by a physical injury or in my case my monthly waves of anxiety and panic attacks. So basically every time I have a period, I get anxious, have a panic attack which causes a flare up of the costro, and wham, more chest pain, which lasts for days on end and causes more anxiety!

I am in a heck of a lot of pain right now but I must say how lovely (in a messed up way) it is to have chest pain and not be freaking out over it! To finally understand after all this time why Im in pain.... Im hoping this will calm my HA over my heart right down and on top of the CBT for dealing with anxiety and panic attacks Im waiting for, will eventually make all this just finally STOP.

does anyone else here have this? tips for pain management or how to aviod it flaring would be most welcome! thanks for reading x

23-10-16, 11:09
my doc said i had this when 1st diagnosed in 98 , still get it now but struggle on, no meds seem to ease it