View Full Version : Introducing myself: New member

01-04-07, 16:21
Hi, I am so very glad to have found this website. I always feel so very alone and isolated when I am feeling anxious. I have had anxiety for all my life, but did not recognise it as anxiety until about ten years ago, when it kicked off with a vengeance! We are in the process of moving home at the moment, and, of course, the anxiety is a million times worse. I am getting new symptoms and I even went to the doctor because I thought something was really wrong this time. Needless to say it was anxiety. I try to keep away from the doctor, as I feel like they are saying, here comes the neurotic hypochondriac again. They really don't understand. As far as I am concerned anxiety causes the hypochondria. Anyway I do try to be positive about the anxiety, but in the wee small hours of the night when I am lying awake with a racing palpitating heart, and the rest of the world is having pleasant dreams, it is hard to be positive. Sorry to be so negative, as I do try not to be normally.

01-04-07, 16:26

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

01-04-07, 16:30
i think everyone here can associate with what you said and understand, and it is hard to remain positive all the time if you are struggling with things (i find that too).

i'm sure this forum will help you though it is helping me lots!

welcome! ^_^

01-04-07, 16:31

And Welcome to NMP, im sure you will find some good advice here, while making new friends on the way.:) Lovely you have joined us

You may find the the "First Step" and "Hope to Cope" pages of interest, they are sittuated at the left hand side of the screen.

I try to keep away from the doctor, as I feel like they are saying, here comes the neurotic hypochondriac again.

Im sure the doctor wouldnt think that,I too am a regular vistor to the doctors, i think i will be on his xmas card list next year !lol

Love and Hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


01-04-07, 17:11

A big warm welcome to you. xx

01-04-07, 17:34
Hi and welcome!
First of all you have to get over the idea that you're viewed as a neurotic hypochondriac. Health anxiety and anxiety disorders are genuine conditions that have a severe impact on our daily lives and are unfortunately becoming more and more common. I'm sure you're far from the first person to go to your doc feeling this way and if you feel that they don't take you seriously, I would consider seeing another doc at the same practice, or even going somewhere else.
Take Care,

02-04-07, 00:26
:flowers: Hi... my name is Rachel im also a new person here

just wanted to welcome you :)

i have found the people here to be very understanding and welcoming and i have found it helpful for when i am feeling anxios and nervy

Pink Princess
02-04-07, 16:36
hey welcome to the site, hope you settle in soon, take kare xxxxx

02-04-07, 18:46
hi , and a big welcome

love sandyxx

02-04-07, 20:05
Hi and welcome aboard.

You will meet some fab people here and get loads of advice and support.

02-04-07, 20:46
:) Welcome to this fantastic site, a place where you can speak openly about yourself and talk about feelings, its a safe place and you have joined a family of people who understand where yo are coming from and perhaps help.

Support and friendship is paramount.

:hugs: welcome

02-04-07, 21:54
Hello Lokismum! Big :welcome: to you!

Don't you worry - just be yourself........we all are :wacko: !