View Full Version : Glands in armpit sore for over a month

22-10-16, 06:56
Hi everyone.
I'm becoming really concerned about the glands in my left armpit. Just over a month ago I was doing a lot of work around the house and moving furniture. A few days later I had terrible pain in my left pectoral muscle and under arm and upper back, I thought I pulled some muscles so rested. The became worse so I saw my doc. I was also experiencing greenish brown discharge from both of my nipples, and a lot of pain on the left. I've got breast implants so thought it could be something to do with them. My doctor gave me diclofenac and said the discharge was likely a harmless condition called mammary duct ectasia. He recommended I see my surgeon.
I saw my surgeon a week later and suggested an ultrasound. That came back normal apart from the discovery of cysts in my breasts which I didn't know I had. She said the lymph nodes were normal size. I have follow up in a couple of weeks but I reckon they will say nothing wrong with the implants so a job for your gp.
I'm at just about 5 weeks since this started and the pain in still there most of the time. I think it has lessened slightly but I'm finding it hard to believe it's just a muscle strain. Surely my glands wouldn't be raised from this? They say they look normal but I can feel a lump and have pain where they are. I'm also having twitches and spasms in my pec muscle, dies this mean it's getting better or worse? Please help! Thankyou

23-10-16, 12:47

23-10-16, 15:39
The medical professionals have given you the all clear. It's your "perception" that feels them as swollen. They're not according to the doctors. Stop poking and prodding and the tenderness will resolve.

Positive thoughts

23-10-16, 19:46
Thankyou. I do need to hear this. I am still in muscular type pain and that whole side of my upper torso is tender. I thought it would have got better by now....