View Full Version : Update full of positively

22-10-16, 09:24
Hi guys it's been a while.
So glad to see that people are making progress and on the similar journey that I am on.
So half term has arrived and I managed 7 weeks in school. My anxiety has been up and down but calming. I have managed to get into training days and staff briefings and have come along way since not being able to get out of bed in June. I still have difficulties. I have been speaking in staff meetings trying to build my confidence. I was asked to do an assembly but not ready for that yet. Meetings are still tough but the prop helps. Still on 10mg of cit but can't even think about how I was. For those struggling or just starting cit, hang in there. It will get better.

22-10-16, 10:40
really glad to hear you`re doing so well, and it must be hard to be in a job where you can`t just hide away and get on with things.

its fantastic that you`ve noticed how you`re improving and it`s lovely to post on here to inspire other people to stay hopeful

best of luck with your continued recovery:yesyes:

22-10-16, 16:57
That is great news Andy. You are doing so well. Keep up the good work. Xx

22-10-16, 23:40
Hey Andy, just wondering if you went up to 20mg of cit and if so were the side effects as bad as starting? I've been on 10mg for about 6 weeks now and I felt brilliant(almost back to my old self) around week 4... now I feel pretty anxious again in lectures, supermarkets etc. Do you think it's worth me going up to 20mg- did it help you? sorry about the amount of questions... just looking for some advice really. Thanks :)

24-10-16, 10:36
Hi yes I did go up to 20mg but didn't have too much effect as the 10mg to be honest. No side effects when i did this.

05-11-16, 12:27
So good to hear you're doing so much better Andy, I know you were in such a bad place. I'm still on 10mg & sometimes still struggle but can barely even remember how bad I was during those dark days.