View Full Version : Do you find yourself getting angry easily?

01-04-07, 18:01
I find i get angry or annoyed really easiyl, especially with my boyfriend. Feeling this towards him just makes me feel horrible and guilty. I know pepoe who spend all the time with each other can get annoyed with each other but its stressing me out because im thinking all these things to go with it!
anyway, i find myself going from 0-raging in 1 second too and cant seem to calm down.
anyone else feel like this is it part of anxiety?

01-04-07, 19:41
hey lou
i used to find myself a lot like this before i realised how much anxiety related it actually was for me i was angry all the time over things that now are really no big deal if i have a bad patch i still get angry but can sort it out a little more because i know why
i would also get really angry so quickly it was scary
hope this helps you
pm me if u want

01-04-07, 20:56
I used to. I used to be psycho mom!
taking meds and having less anx has definately helped control my 'flying off the handle'
My psychologist explained that anger and anx are closely related as it is similar responses in the brain.

01-04-07, 23:12
hey lou, i used to always get angry with my man, blamed him for everything that went wrong, now i know it is to do with the anxiety ,so when i feel i am going to explode i just walk away , and it seems to do the trick

02-04-07, 12:20
hello, i find i feel really angry towards someone in my life but i cant let it out, i dont know how to, so all my anger is locked up inside unfortunatly, i think i hold a certain ammount of blame towards that person for my panic attacks. i know its not anyone else fault but my own that i get them but i still feel very angry. oh im not explaining myself very well, sorry. my point is yes, i do get angry, i never used to before my anxiety so maybe it's just the frustration about my panic attacks building up inside and being directed at someone else??? i dunno

03-04-07, 12:46
well the thing is i never really "explode" at him but i can jsut feel it inside, and its like why am i feeling this? hes done nothing to upset me and i have so much fun with him etc" and so it just gets me more ate up.
i do find that i have moments of rage when noone else is around, hitting things and throwing and swaering etc.
all of the anger that i had felt for years seemed to disappear when i met my bf and so the fact that it has come back is just upsetting i suppose.
im glad that someone can say that anger is related to anxiety at least i can look at objectively asn see if i am really angry or if its just anxiety.

lisa smith
26-04-07, 21:10
hi there. your not alone. i was in the bath,when i got the angry feeling, and its awful. i felt like i was gonna explode, and think that im losing it. an hour later, and im still biting my teeth together. i have been on beta- blockers for over a week now,so i hope it calms my anxiety down a bit.im still feeling very tense, as if my neck is shrinking into my shoulders.. so you are not alone chuck..