View Full Version : Still plodding on.

22-10-16, 19:20
HI all

Thought I would post a quick not on here to check in and give a wee update.

I had a breakdown 2 years ago, but I am still here and plodding on.

Firstly. Apologies for my absence. ..especially to all those who I spoke to pretty much daily on here before my breakdown. My lack of communication was nothing personal. I was just in a bad place, so I did what I thought was best and stayed clear. Anyhoo, please know that I have often thought of all my nmp buddies, and have been wishing you all well from a distance.

So. Lots of changes in my life. After my breakdown, my marriage broke down.
I am still in the relationship that was a result of my marriage breakdown. After being homeless for a whole, I am set up in a flat. I am not yet working, but have started volunteering here and there to try and build some confidence.

I am still awaiting the therapy, promised to me 2 years ago. I have done a 12 introductory course to mentalization based therapy, but the long term mentalization therapy I am still waiting for.

I have sorted my medication out....so I am no longer on a lovely cocktail, but a mellowing night time relief ;)

I wish there was more I could update. I wish this post could be in the success stories. Because after 2 years I would have thought things would have been better. But I am stable. Even though that stable is still a jobless, unsociable state....

I am not sure if I am ready to reconnect with everyone here. I am not strong enough to be the friend a lot of you deserve. But I feel ready enough to post on here to say hi, I am still around, and you are in my thoughts.

Much love to all

Jac x

22-10-16, 21:30
Hi Jac

I was so pleased to hear from you tonight and you have no need to apologise. I didn't push things as I was kind of in a bad place too and didn't want to dump on you.

I am glad to hear that you are still with your partner and hope that is working well for you.

Its unbelievable that you are still awaiting therapy, words truly fail me - hard to believe I know.

You dont need to be strong Jac, we like you for you, not just what you do to help others.

Selfishly I hope you decide to stick around, I have missed you hun.

If you feel able to keep in touch, that would be great, but do what is right for you first and foremost.

Luv ya loads xx

23-10-16, 00:25

Waiting that long for therapy is ridiculous if you need me to come kick some arse you know where I am!!!

I was driving round the ham of the Notts the other day and thought of you........ I thought that if it wasn't for you and a few other people then I wouldn't have got as far as to being able to do that!!

We will be here waiting for you when you are ready :)


Catherine S
23-10-16, 01:40
Hiya Jac, I remember you really well. Lovely to hear from you again and glad to hear that you are in the land of the living. Be proud of yourself because you're doing really well. Stay in touch with us ok? Best wishes to you.


23-10-16, 14:51
Hi jac I dont remember you as I am still fairly new here but glad you have got some of things sorterd like you meds it must make a huge difference to your well being :) It does suck big time waiting for your therapy to begin!! But you know what the NHS is like!! Cheers

24-10-16, 00:20
Thanks all.
Hopefully I will find myself again soon so I can maintain friendships and do something with my life....weirder things have happened lol.
I will try and keep tabs on you all from afar ;)

24-10-16, 00:57
I will try and keep tabs on you all from afar ;)

Stalker!!! :winks::roflmao:

24-10-16, 01:55
Nice to hear from you, jacsta. Good to check in with us! Sounds like you have made more progress than you give yourself credit for.

24-10-16, 12:32
Some times a back seat is ok you are still very much part of the forum!! But u want to take it slowly we are here for you when you get a front row seat again :)