View Full Version : Ears, face, brain?? So worried.

23-10-16, 03:20

I have woken up feeling really panicky.

For 4 years now I have had a fullness in my left ear and a strange sensation onnleft side of face near ear when I touch it compared to the other side. I went to see an ENT about 3 years ago and they said I had fluid in my ear and prescribed a spray. When I went back they did the hearing tests again and said it was marginally better even though I felt no difference.

Fast forward to now and I'm feeling as if the sedation is now at corner of my left eye, the fullness. I went for a full eye test a few months ago and all ok. When I look at pictures I have noticed my left eye brow is a good bit lower down then my right and can only seem to see it a far back as 3/4 years ago. This is worrying me I have facial nerve weakness.

Ear fullness
Slightly altered sensation on side of face kinda like numb but it's not numb as such
Lowered eyebrow
Odd ocassion of ringing in ear
Slightly puffier on this side of face/jaw
Left eye watery and feels strange

So all in all I am having major anxiety that instead of fluid in the ears that I actually have a brain tumour. I feel so scared and sick to my stomach.

23-10-16, 10:03
I can't comment about the ear fullness, but almost everyone has some facial uneveness - one eye a bit higher than the other, etc. A lot of this is due to minor differences in the two sides of the skull. The unfortunate bit is that the older you get the more apparent it becomes, but really only to the person involved, if they stare at themselves in the mirror a lot or at photos of themselves. Other people really don't notice at all.

23-10-16, 12:26

Yes I know this could be possible just feel when I run all the symptoms together it equals sinister.

That being said I have checked back photos and it seeems I've definitely had the eye brown difference at least 4 years. Also on the skull being different I have always found that when I wear sunglasses one side sits higher up and this it's possibly the side with the higher eyebrow which would make sense.

I'm going to go back to the gp about the ear and get a referral to the ent again as it's been a few years since I've been and no improvement.