View Full Version : Should I go back on citalopram ?

23-10-16, 16:10
Hi Everyone.
I was put on 20mg of citalopram in 2012 after the birth of my daughter. I felt low, anxious, tired, numb all the time.
I felt much better on them and didn't have any side effects.
I was going through a rough patch at work and my GP upped then to 40mg last January. I'm really forgetful and would constantly forget to take them and go a few weeks without any, until I got head wooshes and started taking them again. In may this year I was sick of constantly feeling crap after forgetting to take them so I went cold turkey and came off them. Had a few weeks of head wooshes/low mood etc then it tapered off. I've got a lot going on at the minute with work/money/health and feel really anxious all the time, irritable over nothing, have no motivation to do anything and just sat on the settee losing myself in books on my days off (I work part time). It's nearly Christmas and I can't stand the thought of feeling like this at Christmas again. I guess I'm just worried about going to my GP as I don't like talking about it.
Wondered if anyone else has being in a similar situation ?

25-10-16, 13:32
Hi debtfreemoo,

Sorey to hear your going through a bad time at the moment. I have just re started on citalopram. Had almost 3 years on it, 6 months off and then it crept back up and suddenly I was a ball of nerves again. If you feel like it's all getting too much and you cannot cope with it then I would definitely go and speak to your gp. Even if you don't want to go back on medication you could ask for other options like counselling etc.
Only you can ask yourself if it's bad enough that it's affecting your daily life whether it's worth trying medication again. I said yes straight away when the dr asked about going back on them as I just couldn't take that awful feeling anymore. X

25-10-16, 17:08
I'm considering going back on Citalopram too. I still have some that could tide me over until I can get a doctors appointment but they're out of date so I probably shouldn't.

I'm crying at every conversation I have today and work is becoming a struggle. I can't get in at the doctors as quickly as I need to and I have a holiday coming up. Everyone seems to think a holiday will fix everything but I know it's deeper than that and I can't face being miserable for two weeks while I'm there, but equally, the first two weeks back on Citalopram isn't an ideal time to go away either.

Ange x