View Full Version : slowly beginnig to feel a bit better

Lady Penelope
24-10-16, 10:36
After suffering from Panic attacks for a year I am finially beginning to feel a bit better. First panic attack in October last year and I thought it was a heart attack and called an ambulance. I then started to get them more frequently until I was getting at least one every day. Every time I felt like I was going to die.
I have tried loads of things over the last year and I think I have found a combination that is working for me.
I tried online CBT, Diazipam, Counselling, citralaprim, rescue remedy, Kalms tablets. I was beginning to despair that nohing was working.

I have now been on Fluxoetine 20mg for 7 weeks and Propranalol 10mg twice Day and for 6 weeks I have been having one to one CBT. I also listening to online meditations on You Tube before I go to bed to help me relax. I still have the Diazipam for emergency but find that I have not taken any for a couple of weeks. I don't want to temp fate but I have now only had one panic attack in two weeks while out shopping and I managed to stay at the shops until it passed. I have also found the Claire weekes books very good - I have bought them as audiobooks so can listen while I am driving and doing other things. The Dare book has also been very useful. When I first started with Fluxoetine it made my anxiety worse but many people on this forum encouraged me to stay with it and I am so glad I did. I have found this forum a really useful source of information and support when things are really bad. Thank you to all the people who took the trouble to reply to my posts - it really helps when things feel so bad.
I hope that is post contains something helpful for someone who is suffering.

24-10-16, 11:33
Good to hear you have found a combo that's working for you and you're feeling a bit better.:)