View Full Version : I need to get this out. End of the world?!

24-10-16, 16:58
I'm sorry if this isn't appropriate but I'm worried sick and I need to get it out.

My brother is obsessed with things like the illuminati and government planning all sorts of terrible things to happen to us. He says the ww3 will start soon and watches things on YouTube about camps we will all be put too. He believes this and I try not to let it scare me but I'm utterly petrified this is all true. I have young children and the thought of any of these things happen make me feel ill.

Doesn't help that every night on the news there's all sorts of horrible things.

24-10-16, 17:28
I`ve read similar things and while they sound frightening I`d just say that they are just opinions of people who`ve gathered evidence that supports their view.

It certainly scares me as a parent at times but realistically no super power actually wants a war, it might suit them to invade the odd country or to force regime change but actual nuclear war would benefit no one.

I found literally ignoring the news helps. This may sound like I`m hiding but you can see so much good in the world if you look for it.

Over the years I`ve seen extremely believable theories that the world is hollow and can be accessed from a hidden hole in the north pole, fluoride is part of mind control techniques to dull your brain, immunisation is to kill or at least reduce life expectancy of our kids, and that the royal family are shape shifting lizards.

anyone can post anything on the net and most things are semi-believable if you are worried already.

Try to concentrate on how wonderful life can be, or how magical you can make things for your kids. Bad things do happen but not on the scale the media would like you to believe.

24-10-16, 17:38
Thank you!

I will try but it's very hard. Just all these awful conspiracies get u thinking

24-10-16, 20:06
Why would your government planning be all sorts of terrible things to happen to you? I find it extremely unlikely in the case of the UK, I must say.

24-10-16, 21:03
I have had several friends like that i basically just won't listen to that crap anymore. They might even be right about a few things but mostly it's all just made up baseless crap they read on deceptive websites made by sociopaths that make a living out of spreading misinformation with click bait type crap.

Yes the world screwed, global warming is very real everyone in science knows this, overpopulation is big, many animals are gong extinct, evil people control con tries and corporations, the world is unfair but brutal but I doubt you are anything but in the privilege class of people in the western world, you have nothing worry about that you can predict, the world will do what it does and nobody knows.

Take solstice in the fact evil people can't work together very long, the lack the social skills to hide and make things happen over the long term. They fall on their face, we are in the most peaceful of times, your brother is being sucked into the dark side and just tell him to shut up and walk away.