View Full Version : Any advice would be appreciated

24-10-16, 17:41
So i woke up this morning with a pain on the outside of my right eye, thinking it a caught eyelash or something i thought nothing of it...until it continued to irritate me through the day, many eyelid stretches and washes later i decided to pop down to my GP with a fairly late appointment, she took a quick look into my eyelids and said there was a bit of redness in one of the eyes on the edge, and that it's likely a bit of conjuctivitis.

But she didn't give me any medicine or anything to treat it with, and tomorrow i have work in Retail and thursday i drive down to london. I'm terrified i won't be able to do these things if it gets worse. Anyone had anything like this before?

24-10-16, 17:46
It will probably go away on its own. Prescribing antibiotics is becoming increasingly problematic, and there's little point if the body will beat it in the same timeframe as it would have taken the meds.

It obviously didn't look serious to the doctor, so just be patient and let it run its course.

24-10-16, 17:57
ServerError gave great advice, I'd suggest that you wear some sunglasses tomorrow as light will probably irritate your eyes and cause them to hurt more which could effect your travel.

The same thing happened to my friend and it was a pain (literally!) but it did go away and she was just fine.

24-10-16, 21:40
Thank you! both of you! I know it seems like a trivial thing but i was honestly starting to worry, i'm glad to know your friend was ok Poppy, and thank you ServerError, i shall just let it run it's course and weather the storm so to speak.

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

I say that, though convincing my HA to let it go is an entirely new task in itself! Bloody head thinks i'm gonna go blind from it!

25-10-16, 11:39
So this morning my eyelid on the eye that aches has swollen up a bit. Is this normal? :( I don't want to bother my GP.

25-10-16, 14:44
All normal, it might continue to swell a bit more, you may look like you've been in a punch up! Seriously though, it's incredibly common - kids get it all the time. What can help is to use some cotton wool, and bathe it with water that's been boiled, as warm as you can take it (not boiling of course!). Wipe it from inner corner to outer corner - do that as often as you can.
If it gets really swollen and angry, you can buy something from the chemists called Chloramphenicol drops, this is what a doc would prescribe. Better if you can avoid that though, unless really necessary.

25-10-16, 15:41
Aleman200 - your dog's really cute, by the way. I want to meet him/her. I insist we arrange something.

25-10-16, 18:08
Oh goodness, thank you Mercime. I shall try that and clean it every day. See if that helps clear it up quicker!

And if only it were ServerError. Unfortunately it's just a stock forum avatar i decided to use. My dog is slightly smaller and probably far lazier than the one pictured.

26-10-16, 00:55
I get that sometimes. I find some moistening eye drops help make things more comfortable. I think visine true tears are what I have in my cabinet right now.

26-10-16, 01:18
I may pick up some eye drops if it persists. I'm hoping i don't wake up with bad vision and a gunked up eye. Though i imagine after two days it would have happened already...i hope.

26-10-16, 05:47
Believe it or not, a gunked up eye isn't necessarily a bad thing - it means the infection is coming out, the swelling would start to go down after this.
Anyway, I'm sure your vision will be fine - just keep bathing that eye!
You could add a pinch of salt to the bathing water too. Hope it starts to get better soon x